Greetings Fellow Workers;
We write this week’s report with hearts full of joy and thanksgiving. We hope and we pray all is well in your lives and in your labors in the Kingdom. Our God is truly amazing and able, able to do mighty thing through those who obey and trust in Him. We pray for you often, trusting things are well.
I cannot imagine a better way to start out a week than for two sweet ladies to put on Christ in baptism. This took place last Sunday at Arusha. Through the teaching of our brother Steve Wiseman (Rockwall, TX) two more souls were added to the Lord’s Church at Kwa Mrombo, one a grandmother, the other a grandson. Today at Kisongo, another young man named Christ as his Lord, what a week.
On this Friday and Saturday we all participated in the Tanzania Leadership Conference (TLC). With between 90 and 100 men from four different countries (America, Uganda, Kenya and most from Tanzania) and over 50 different congregations, God was glorified in a way I personally have never experienced. The meeting concluded with many of the men worshiping with the Arusha congregation as part of their “Friends Day”.
This years TLC was centered around the idea of congregational responsibility. To make a long story short, the meeting ended Friday night with a powerful lesson from our brother David Kalaba (from Zambia, working with the East Africa Union). In the end, around 50 gospel preachers repented for not being the men of God they should have been and for not taking more seriously their responsibility as Gospel preachers. They prayed with each other and vowed to let God have His way with them in their lives and in their ministries.
Today Buddy Fry (from Grandview, TX) preached an emotional lesson from the book of Ezra. He preached to an audience of more than 200 souls, many visitors and friends. The singing was more wonderful than words could ever express on paper. Truly God was glorified in spirit and in truth and His Church was edified in a truly grand way.
It was such a joy to see many of our ACSOP graduates and hear of the great things God is doing through them. Souls are being saved in large numbers, congregations are being planted throughout all East Africa. The work of God is growing, the congregations are beginning to work together in ways they have never experienced in the recent history of the Lord’s Church in East Africa.
We work day by day fully realizing the trials so many face in our world. We thank God for each of you as you work and labor in your lives and for your great sacrifice in making this mission work and many others possible. Thank you all so very much. May our God be with you and bless you like never before.
I close with a special request and need. Tanzania (as well as most, if not all, East Africa) are experiencing 12-18 hour power cuts most days. The ACSOP is in need of a back-up generator. After much research Jimmy has come to the conclusion the school is in need of a 45 kw generator. The cost of this generator is $23,000 locally. We solicit your consideration in this need and do what you can, when you can. Please send your gifts to the Kensington Woods congregation with a note as to the gift’s purpose.
We hope and we pray your week in the Lord is all it can be and that your life influences the life of another in such a way it causes growth in the Kingdom.
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny