Campaign Produces Much Fruit In Ghana...

School  is back in session with 6 new students. We are expecting two more. Some of the men who come to the school need time to finish with their work places before they come and this takes between 2 weeks and a month after school reopens. Two other men who also applied could not get off from their jobs to come to school. Our school library is woefully inadequate for the programs we now run with Bear Valley. We are not able to give reading assignments or book reviews because we may not have a needed book, or where we do, it may be the only copy. We pray you will come to our aid and donate books to help us build a good library. Plantain is one food item the cook buys for our meals. It is becoming more expensive lately. We have therefore started to cultivate some on our land. In the future we may get much of what we eat from our plantation.

On Wednesday, August  31, 2011 we suffered a tragic loss. One of the women who cook for the school, Augustina Dadzie, reported for work that day and was preparing a meal with her colleague, Charity Forjuor when she fell off her stool in the kitchen and became unconscious. We rushed her to the nearby Shama Clinic where she was given some treatment and referred to the Regional Hospital at Effiankwanta. The doctor at the ward did his best giving her the greater part of the time he shared with other patients. All five instructors at the school together with Charity, Matthew Dadzie (Augustina’s husband) and two other students were with her at the emergency ward from 3 pm till we decided to go home after 10 pm. Three of us left last at about 10:50 pm. Ten minutes later while on the way home, the husband called me to return because the sister could not survive. She died about 10:57 pm. She was a member of the Ituma congregation which meets on the campus of the school. The husband who makes very little preaching for a small congregation at Botodwena has the burden of providing for the funeral and burial of our late sister. He can use any assistance he can get. The funeral is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, September 30-Otober 1, 2011. Please, remember brother Dadzie and their four children in your prayers. Matthew Dadzie was a 2007 graduate of West Coast.

Campaign. One of our instructors, Joshua Aidoo, led a team of ten to Tarkwa-Bremeng, a remote village in the Western region, where there is no Church of Christ for a week long campaign for Christ – September 5-11. He reports that by Sunday morning 15 souls had been baptized and four members of the church from elsewhere living in the village but not worshipping were identified and restored. A total of 26 met for worship on Sunday; this included 6 children and five visitors. Two of the visitors gave themselves to Christ in baptism after worship to make 17 converts in the campaign.

In my last report I requested information on Parkinson’s  disease. Brother Ashcraft sent me a web address where I have found much helpful information. I now have some understanding of what it is and what we can do to help my brother. I am sincerely grateful.

Daniel Ampadu Asiamah

Posted on September 18, 2011 .