Greetings Fellow Workers:
We rejoice in the Lord for all you do and mean to His work here in Tanzania and throughout East Africa. We thank God for His blessings and for His love for all man. Recently Robert Turner received an e-mail from Pat Porter (see below). I have included this to illustrate the good being done through the Tanzania 2000 mission effort with Her efforts through the Andrew Connally School of preaching with the help of the Bear Valley Bible Institute under the leadership of brother Turner:
[“Lynn Porter (Lake Houston church of Christ), has over 500 WBS students in Kasula, Kigoma, Tanzania. One of her students has been baptized and has started a church there in one of the camps there. {She is helping him with his support to go to school in Dar es Salaam.} Other students have also been baptized there, but they can no longer go to the river to do the baptizing.
He recently asked her if there is any way those in the camp could have contact with Christians to teach them more about the Bible and how to become Christians.
Most of these refugees speak only their native tongue and French, with just a little English.
The student, who does speak some English, Makyambe Mwindee, may be reached at Nyarugusu church of Christ, P.O. Box 347, Kasulu, Kigoma, Tanzania. Lynn also has students in the Mtabila I & II camps in the same town.
Makyambe has asked if we could supply a portable baptistry and shelter for the church.
My question is to Theron, is would it be possible for you or some of your contacts to go to the camps/church there in Kasulu and meet with the them? Also, do you know how to obtain a portable baptistry/shelter for them if the money was supplied, and how much would it cost to obtain these there?
Bob, is this an opportunity for some of your preaching students, any that might speak French, to use as an intern/field trip/or something like a training session to do?”]
Yes indeed, we can and will help with this need and wonderful evangelistic need and opportunity. I have spoken with Elly Martin and he has agreed to build the portable baptistry. I have met with Yusuph Madaki, currently here taking two of our Master’s level courses, and he has agreed to take the baptistry to the refugee camp, preach, teach and do what ever he can to help the Lord’s Church currently meeting at this location.
Thank you Bob and Lynn for your efforts in teaching the Gospel to the lost of this world. Thank you Robert Turner (and team) for your efforts in teaching Gospel preachers the Truths of God’s Word in their own country, in their own culture, in their own language that they might be better equipped to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to their own people. Thank you KW Elders and all our faithful supporters for making all this possible.
To God be the glory, great things He is doing through His faithful.
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny