Preparing For East Africa Gospel Meeting...

Dear brethren,

It seems now that every Sunday we don't have power in Busia the whole day and Night. But thanks be to God today we have it and I am sharing with you my day and week. It has been a busy week at school and in my private work. Brother Elias Omollo has gone back to Kenya to prepare for the gospel meeting which is starting on Wednesday at his home congregation Lieta church of Christ in South Nyanza. This meeting ends on 13th August 2011. He is going to miss the East African Gospel meeting which starts on 15th August 2011. 

Sunday we worshiped at Nabyunyu church of Christ 40 km from Busia towards Kampala. This is the congregation where one of our students, brother Sande Joseph, comes from and he is currently the preacher. When we preached the gospel the first time in this village in 2009 someone who was not a member of the church gave us a place where we erected a shelter where the church meets every Sunday. Due to the inflation in the country right now, the owner wants to sell it out to whoever may give him money. Pray for these brethren so that they do not miss this plot. 

Many congregations are planning to attend the East Africa Gospel meeting. Pray for them as they plan so that they are able to attend. May our God bless you richly. 

Francis Wechesa

Posted on August 14, 2011 .