Focal Point In Cameroon Is Bearing Fruit...

Dearest in Christ,

Amazing grace is what I wish you all this hour in Jesus name. I am sure all is going well with you and your family. Accept greetings from this end and I am happy to inform you that God still sits on the throne so all is going on well.

Brother Frederick Epie was added this afternoon after worship and 8 souls were restored after spending time with the minister on Saturday visiting backsliders. Among them was brother David Epulle who stayed for 8 years away from Christ. I restored him this morning back to his first love. Please pray for this congregation and the nearby villages. By the grace of God, most of our students will go to this area because they have seen that it is a fertile land for the gospel to grow.

Our weekly program went on well no matter the rains. All our lecturers came to school as usual with the zeal to train soldiers of the cross. Their zeal is always appreciated by me for their effort toward this work. It is priceless.

Our students are seeing our sacrifice as we are all living examples to what we preach and what we teach in the school. Chapel topic for this week was “My Focal Point.” This was aimed to help both the students, visitors to the school and staff, because we know in life all must have a focal point, but our emphasis was for us to focus on Christ who is able to do more than what we expected (Eph. 3:19-20).

I left the campus on Thursday night for personal missions to some congregations about 200 kilometers away from Wotutu. All the churches along the road I took to get to the main congregation in which I was assigned to preach welcomed me well. This visit also sets an eye opener for other young men who are on holidays now and desire coming to CBIW to be trained in the future.

All the congregations are struggling with only two having trained preachers who can divide the truth rightly. The demand for our students to come and help in different congregations is on a regular basis. It has become like the Macedonian call. We love to do this, but the time has not come. The field is really ripe, but the laborers are few. Please help us in your prayers that these brothers, after their training, will become useful in God’s hands.

The population of Ngusi congregation this morning worshipped their King. I have been sending students to this congregation to help. The leaders today applauded CBIW and those concerned in this school that they should not relent their efforts for it is bearing fruit in their community.

Carl Doibe, minister in Ngusi, has been preaching since 1976 and really prayed for the students to graduate and come to that area. His son, Nsong Nelson, is in CBIW now training and he is doing well with his studies. His presence in CBIW gives us hope for the future in the Ngusi area as a young man.

This quarter’s campaign is tilted toward nurturing and planting new congregations, if all that is planned remains the same. Please continue to help us in your prayers. 

We are still praying for all of our evangelistic tool to be put in place. Let us break grounds for the gospel in Cameroon. The staff and students are ready, but there are things still pending: public address system, van and tracts.

Keep us in your prayers and stay strong. Please come and join this team to save souls. Keep thinking souls so that we shall continue to rob from the strong man’s house and by so doing we shall depopluate hell populate heaven to the glory of our King.

Thank you for helping us in all that you are doing. Your labor will never be in vain. God bless you to do your best to share this report with others. 

Elangwe and family
By His grace, Director CBIW

Posted on August 14, 2011 .