Thank you, brother. My mother has been left very affected with the loss of her mother. I took advantage to preach the Gospel to all the people that had come together, all my mother’s family are sectarian and they gave me the opportunity to speak, so that without losing time I spoke the truth of the Gospel to more than 60 people united, including 20 “pastors” who only bowed their heads before the truth.
We have a total of 8 students, 3 married and 5 single. I still do not have confirmation of the two in Olancho but this week I will have their confirmation. If they confirm there will be 10 in total. I don’t know if I have overlooked anything, but I will keep you informed.
Well, with respect to the vocational training; there has always been the idea. The problem is that we do not have teachers in Danli that impart those classes, since there is much pride in the people and they do not want to teach because they say that they would have less work there being more competition. I had been speaking with the brethren of Hillcrest if it was possible that brethren who are experts in those areas such as welding, electricity or small engine repair could come to teach during some period, but there was no confirmation with respect to that. It was just a talk that we had. I don’t know what you think.
We are praying that you will be successful in gathering all the funds necessary and have an abundance.
God bless you for your effort.