Training Africans To Teach Africans...

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,

Last Sunday evening, the missionaries and visitors (Oklahoma group, Terra Gobble, and visitors from Lebanon, TN:  Brian Horner, Jessica Smith and Austin Horne) enjoyed a devotional at the Stafford’s house. Many people said this trip had changed their lives and were truly inspired and more motivated. Stephanie Stafford told a touching story about an extremely poor man (concerning the world’s goods) who was always giving her his garden vegetables. When she suggested that he sell his vegetables instead of giving them away, his reply was, “How can I not share with others, when God has given me so much?” His attitude showed that he was indeed “rich” with such an attitude.

The Oklahoma group and Terra Gobble have returned to their families in the states after making a big difference in the Manyire area. As a result of their efforts 16 souls were added to the kingdom. This group is to be commended for their hard work, generosity and genuine desire to teach lost souls. The OK group brought over more than 100 beautiful, hand-made “t-shirt” dresses, nice croqueted sweaters, and baby and children’s clothes for the Tanzanians (also let us choose some!). The children and Trina were grateful to receive brand-new shoes. The OK group also handed out lovely, hand-decorated bags filled with useful items. Some with the OK group (including dentists Danny and Cathy) helped at the Smelser’s clinic. In Cy Stafford’s report last week, he related an interesting story of how a man walked 8 hours to the clinic and asked to be baptized.

The Arusha Church of Christ hosted a week-long Youth Seminar, under their own direction and leadership. Approximately 125 young people from 20 congregations were housed at the ACSOP and listened to many lessons, learned new songs and participated in door-knocking. On their first day, approximately fifty people in the Kisongo area signed up for a Bible study. Jimmy and Trina were privileged to speak on Friday evening (respective topics were “The Husband and Wife Relationship” and “Thankfulness” using Luke 17:11-18). Our girls helped in the kitchen, washing many dishes and cutting up fruits and vegetables.

Helen was too sick to attend worship services, but her children attended the Bible class Trina taught while Paulina taught the ladies. Jimmy continued teaching the men’s class the Gospel of John and visitor, Brian Horner, preached an excellent lesson on “Things Necessary for Church Growth.” Brian also studied with Helen’s husband this past week. Austin and Jessica were also busy with Bible studies (Jessica plans to help with the clinic on Mondays and Thursdays).

While in Roger Campbell’s personal evangelism class last year on furlough, we agreed wholeheartedly with his statement that Christians must “clone” themselves. Obviously, missionaries cannot do all the studies in a foreign country. Thankfully, there are several Tanzanian evangelists (ACSOP graduates) “well-equipped” to teach. Missionaries should “ground” local men (and women) in the Word...cloning themselves (so to speak). The local people will be more effective due of their knowledge of the language, their reputation in the community and because of their “permanency” here as opposed to our being temporary. All of this sums up the objective of the ACSOP: “Training Africans to Teach Africans.” Thank you for joining hands with us in this great work!  

With Love from Africa,
Jimmy and Trina Gee & Family

Posted on July 10, 2011 .