Dear Supporters, Family and Friends,
Please excuse the delay in sending today's report. Immediately after services, we took Matthew to a physical therapy appointment at 1 pm. Trina is also to receive some therapy (on her arm...hurt it several weeks ago). After therapy, we enjoyed Chinese food and then on to the "Play Place" for the children to play about an hour before J.W. and Steven left with Jimmy, Abigail and Candace headed to the airport. The rest of the children and Trina just arrived home (5pm). We will quickly write this report before going to a devotional at the Stafford's at 6:30.
On this Lord's Day, Jimmy continued his series of lessons on the Gospel of John in the adult Bible class. After studying chapter 3, some good questions arose concerning John's baptism. The ladies and Trina studied Genesis 13 concerning the separation of Abram and Lot due to the strife between their herdsmen. Topics discussed were (1) Pursuing Peace and (2) Praying About Decisions and Changes in our Lives. Abigail taught the children's class concerning the prophet Jonah.
Our nephew, Steven, preached a great sermon on the Church emphasizing that Christ did not want division (denominations) but established one church. Steven has done a LOT of good for the month he has been in Tanzania. He has had 28 studies (multiple studies with some) and baptized 7. This 17-year-old probably studied with more people (in four short weeks) than most Christians do in a LIFETIME. How? He first was rooted and grounded in the Truth at home and has participated in many preacher-training camps, etc. Secondly, he decided that he would take advantage of a great opportunity here in Tanzania where most people believe in God and are willing to listen and learn. We are especially glad that one particular man (Hendrick) obeyed the Gospel. Hendrick and Trina have discussed the Bible on occasion and she was excited that he gladly agreed to study with Steven. Steven had several studies with Hendrick (before and after his baptism). Jimmy will continue studying with him to help give him a good foundation to begin his Christian walk.
Our five visitors from Northport, AL and one from Hattiesburg, MS are staying busy evangelizing in Kwa Mrombo and Karatu. The Kisongo ladies are looking forward to a Personal Evangelism class on Thursday morning to be taught by Hannah Box. She will teach them how to conduct a Bible study using some great material compiled by George Jensen. It is my hope that several will gain the knowledge and confidence to teach others God's Word.
Our new sister, Helen, is still in Dar es Salaam, awaiting test results. Recently, she contracted malaria but is better now. Please continue to pray. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Thanks to all who support this work, pray and encourage us. Never forget that YOU are a vital part of this mission work.
In His Service,
The Jimmy Gee family