After reaching her goals with the primary and secondary school projects at the CSMT, the program has reached a level that is self-sustaining for the preacher training side of the program. It is with great joy we are able to announce the achievement of this goal. As a result, the financial support provided through Bear Valley will not longer be needed. Below is a report from Reuben Egwu, Provost of CSMT. He mentions the withdraw of support from the Bear Valley Bible Institute and the information above provides an explanation.
CSMT-School of Biblical Studies (SBS) has been reaching a lot of lost souls meaningfully with her students during weekend evangelisms. The new and old churches they have been visiting are doing fine. The students will be completing their two years training this month of June, 2011. They are presently taking the outstanding short courses that were delayed because of the little break by CSMT’S foreign partners (Bear Valley Tutors). It will be interesting to note the following below about CSMT:
- CSMT-SBS has planned to graduate her 2nd set of students (7 in number for degrees and 3 in number for Masters) on 6th August,2011. The ordination service of the 7 students will be held on 31st July, 2011 while the Banquet for the ceremony will take place on 5th August 2011. Our earnest desire is to charge them into the world for a fruitful souls -winning campaign for Christ.
- Chad Wagner from Paragould,USA, who is also representing the Bear Valley Bible Institute, USA has planned to arrive Nigeria for the ceremony on 1st August 2011.
- All Directors of Bear Valley, Directors of sister schools here in Nigeria and abroad, congregations of the saints and Churches of Christ’s Leaders are invited to the ceremonies.
- CSMT has started planning on how she can be independent since Bear Valley will be withdrawing her level of financial support to the program after this month (June 2011). The plans are in progress. Pray for the plans.
- My former resignation from being the Provost/Director of CSMT-SBS has been withdrawn. The Chairman (Dr. Offor) has persuaded me to withdraw the resignation as there is no present capable hand to handle the program. With the acceptance of the Chairman to address the issues that led to the resignation, I agreed to withdraw the resignation only on the part of the CSMT-SBS not CSMT- Staff Secondary School. I want to concentrate to enable me carry out my leadership seminars on weekly and quarterly basis within Ebonyi state..
- There will be a unique Leadership seminar in CSMT on 17th December, 2011. Foreign brethren who are interested are invited. We also need willing resource persons on leadership themes to write us on time to enable us arrange for their accommodations.
We need your prayers for a successful convocation ceremony and good plan for the continuity of the program. WE LOVE OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS WHO HAVE ALLOWED THEMSELVES TO BE USED TO COMPLETE THE TRAINING OF THE SEVEN (7) BRETHREN WHO ARE gloriously going into the world to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Reuben in Service