Challenges In Nepal...

Dear brothers in Christ, fellow workers in the Lord’s kingdom, and members of the Nepal Center for Biblical Studies Advisory Board:

This letter will provide you with some information and also request your suggestions for the future.  

The present group of students will complete their training in about 10 weeks. Over these many months they have had nine American visiting teachers. This has resulted in twelve weeks of teaching and training by Christians from outside of Nepal.  These twelve weeks have been a tremendous asset for the school, for which we are very thankful. One preacher, Don Prather, will be here again in early July for two more weeks. That will mean a total of four weeks for Don.  

One goal of the school, which has been echoed by many Nepali brothers, is to have the school become more and more a “Nepali School”. I need to be working myself out of a position of leadership. That means we have to have qualified Nepali teachers and leaders who desire to serve the Lord in this capacity. This Thursday Parsuram will teach his second lesson of a series of lesson on “Christian Home and Family”. He will also teach a series of classes on “Work of an Evangelist” in the near future. We are most thankful for his ability and the desire to use that ability in training more Christian leaders and preachers in Nepal.  

My request is that you members of the Advisory Board begin to communicate with one another, and also with Gajendra and myself, to identify those Nepali preachers who are qualified to be teachers. This would include a high level of Bible knowledge and understanding, plus the ability to teach, lead, and motivate others.  

About two weeks ago Parsuram expressed his observation and opinion in a letter to the school. He wrote, “I think that school is in need of more mature and laborious teachers who spends more time in word of God before coming to the class and encourage class to participate in interactive study of the word of God.” He is exactly right to recognize the need for more teachers with this ability and desire.

Let us work together to recognize those Nepali Christian leaders who are qualified to serve the Lord in this way. Once we know and agree on these men and their ability, we can contact them and discuss their active involvement with the school. Step number one is to know who they are. You know the Nepali leaders better than I do and your suggestions will be most valuable. Please consider the needs of the church, pray about them, and send your suggestions and the names of future teachers to Gajendra and me. 2 Timothy 2:1-2

This Friday Gajendra, Kirish, and our six students will travel to Rashuwa for one week of Bible classes in four villages. This will be an “All Nepali” campaign. I’m happy to say that they are ready and able to fulfill these Christian responsibilities. Their progress continues to be most encouraging. 

In Christian service and fellowship of love …………. Jerry

Posted on June 13, 2011 .