Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from this end of His vineyard. We do hope all is well with you and the work you do for the Lord. It is always great for me to share what happened here in CBIW.
The week started well with all lectures, morning devotions, chapel and evening devotions ran all well for the week.
The students are doing fine in health but not all of them. Those who traveled home for medical attention are still to return. Brother Samuel is also sick now and needs to go and see the doctor.
The week was a memorable one in the lives of the students as the Wotutu congregation organized a fellowship meal for them, welcoming them back to the campus after their first campaign and vacation which was very much successful. In Wotutu congregation, fellowship meals usually take place on a Sunday but this was a special one for these ministers of the gospel in the making. The preacher of Wotutu congregation, also the director teaching the audience, welcomed the entire student body back to Wotutu, the seat of wisdom for their studies. I will share some few pictures with you.
This weekend was a busy one for those students who are sound in health. The school assigned them in three different congregations for weekend evangelism. They all returned with good news. Brother Mbappe Guy traveled to Bangante more than 250 kilometers from Wotutu and the Lord added two souls into the congregation there purely French speaking.
Five other students went to near by Tole congregation and the Lord added one soul. At the other congregation the seed was sown and the Lord in his own time will give the increase, but we are called upon to keep watering the seeds. A total of 3 souls were added to His body this weekend. Keep the students in your fervent prayers and be part of this team to rescue perishing souls in Cameroon.
1) We are planning to move to a virgin land to plant a congregation next month before the students travel for their second quarter campaign in different congregations. Remember last quarter was wonderful. Glory be to God. Please come and join us to send these students out again for another expedition to seek perishing souls. Last time we faced transportation problems.
2) We still need some evangelistic tools for missions, mostly as we are set to start moving to virgin lands for evangelism. (Like generator, transportation and tracks)
Brother Norbert stood up and appreciated the Wotutu congregation for their care and support throughout the first quarter and also made an appeal for the congregation to stand by them again this quarter to help them sail through their studies.
The Wotutu congregation provided rice and stew and fufu and eru a Cameroonian dish with respect to the students and the rest of the congregation after the Wednesday Bible study. You can see me and these students communing and praising God for His providence.
The picture shows brother Elvis smiling and brother Patrick raised from his tomb, a strong sign in CBIW that depicts that WE ARE NOT ALONE (After this baptism).
The picture on the right shows a great section of our students who clustered around a computer as we have started teaching the students the use of computer as part of their vocational training this week. The introductory class was interesting and we shall continue like that till the day God will open a way for us to establish a computer lab for all 22 students. The use of computers will help our students a lot after they graduate from school because they may open up documentation centers and that will help them to be self supporting as the continue preaching and teaching in their congregation.
Thanks very much for all that you are doing for us here. We are excited, knowing and working with someone like you. You are a blessing to this dream. Please, more is needed. I pray you expose this to others who may be of support to this team to over take Cameroon for Christ. Our motto is a strong force taking us to all the corners of this country, if means be seek perishing souls. Stay bless till we meet next week. Have great time in all that you do.
Accept greetings both from the students and the Wotutu congregation.
Elangwe and Family
By His grace director CBIW