The Joy Of Growth... God Is Blessing Tanzania

Greetings Fellow Workers: 

What a joy it is to greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today is His Day, a day we can all come together as His family to worship the one and only true and living God. Today in Arusha we were blessed with a great Bible lesson by our brother Christopher Mwakabanje and a supper sermon from our brother David Kalaba. It is so wonderful to be part of a worship where we start on time and we pay little attention to the end time. We sing every verse of almost every song, and with many of the Ki-Swahili songs we sing each verse twice. When worship was over and we had prayed for the seven souls  who responded to the invitation, one (John Sulle) surrendering his life to God and was baptized into Christ (Rom. 6) they made the announcements. At the end of the announcements, we sang two more songs, every verse, it was simply the best!

This past week was such a delight. I was blessed to visit with a number of our evangelists who reported much good news in their respective works. In the two months Stephanie and I were away, souls were saved in the Kioga, Kisongo, Arusha, Maji ya Chai, Manyire, Mearoni, Ushirombo, Monduli, Monduli Juu, Mbauda, Kwarombo congregations as well others. The work of the Kingdom continues to grow and grow as the Lord continues to bless His servants here in TZ. 

With your continue prayers, God’s continued blessings, and with the united efforts to all the co-workers in the Lord’s Church here in Tanzania, many souls will continue to come to know God as their God and Jesus as their Savior!

Request: Thank you Brian Horner for the donation of 150 glass communion cups. Brothers and Sisters we need 150 more. Can you help? If so, please let me know!

Also, campaign time is upon us. We would like to purchase 1,000 Bibles, English and Ki-Swahili for use throughout this year. If you would like to help in the effort, you can send your gifts to the Kensington Woods Church and mark your gift “Bibles for Africa” they will insure the funds get to us. Thank you all and God bless your kindness and generosity. 

Note: $5 will put the Bible in the hands of one soul! $50 will put God’s Word in the hands of 10 souls! $500 will bless the lives of no less than 100 lost souls and some will become saved children of God! 

We close with joy and gratitude in our hearts, for the life God has blessed us with, for the friends and co-workers God has blessed us with, and most of all for the spiritual blessing we share in Christ Jesus. To God be all the glory, great things He has and He continues to do through the faithful few. 

In Him, 
Cy & Stephanie

Posted on March 6, 2011 .