Dearest in Christ,
The evangelistic effort of the students is breaking grounds, as they do evangelism every Saturday for two hours from 4 pm to 6 pm. Please remember these brothers in your prayers and also remember the young converts for them to keep growing in Christ. You can see two students, Muofo Bernard and Norbert smiling after baptizing sister Hebsyba into Christ in Wotutu.
May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you and those around you in Jesus name. It is my prayer that this mail finds you well in all that you do.
Accept greetings from all that make up the CBIW family. We are doing fine by His grace and we are strong to move ahead with what that has been trusted in our hands, to save souls and to nurture souls under our care.
The CBIW during the week was involved in their normal activities, from Monday to Friday. Our short courses are taking us the whole week. I modified the timetable a little. Brother Abasiama teaches for 4 hours in the morning session while I teach for 4 hours in the evening session, so as to finish the course on time, so that we should do some revisions for the students before their short courses exams on Thursday. Thereafter they will leave for their first missionary campaign on Friday to different congregations in Cameroon.
We appreciate God for all that He is doing for the school here in Wotutu and the neighboring villages which we are still mapping out for total evangelism when the students will return in April.
Let me share these few pictures to you about the work.
On the left are our students, eating food in the lecture hall. A family in Wotutu church brought food for them, because they don’t have enough time to prepare food during this short courses which is above the normal six hours to eight hours per day. We are thanking God for using the Wotutu church to be of great help to the students. I pray God will continue to use them.
The slogan WOTUTU FOR CHRIST is still very strong in the minds of the students, and it is a driving force for them to reach every corner in Wotutu with the gospel. It is really true what the Bible says TWO ARE BETTER THAN ONE. The picture on the right shows brother Nicholas baptizing sister Mirabel in Wotutu congregation.
Yesterday, Saturday, the entire congregation with the students organized a five hour prayers and fasting session for the students as they prepare to travel for campaign and also for the visions the school is supposed to attain in Cameroon.
God is doing great things. 8 first time visitors came for worship today in Wotutu, as a result of the students visiting house to house yesterday sharing the word, making friends and inviting them to come for worship. To God be the glory .
Please continue to pray for the safe trip for all the students and the director who will accompany some of them to a virgin land, to see the possibilities of establishing a congregation in one of our student village far from Wotutu.
Continue to see how you can be of assistance to us to accomplish many more dreams.
God alone will reward you for all that you are doing to keep the burning flame on. Your support will do great work in the kingdom of God here in Cameroon. By His grace, our 22 students, both French and English will touch 4 regions from next week with the PURE gospel of Christ in Cameroon.
We want to go far, so that others will know the existence of the school and also to help congregations in areas far from the school. We also want all Cameroonians to know THE CAMEROON BIBLE INSTITUTE OF WOTUTU is for all Cameroonians. So let them see how they can be of help in any way for the development of the school.
We continue to say God bless Bear Valley for their vision about the extension schools which is making things easy for all who are zealous and devoted to serve the Lord, to enroll and study to serve. By the time we graduate our first batch many pulpits will change hands in this country, as many of our pulpits are full with untrained preachers, by so doing causing much confusion on the doctrine of Christ.
Please I am appealing to you to stand by us to perfect this change to the glory of God.
Remain blessed and continue to be busy for the Lord, because time is short.
Elangwe and Family
By His grace director CBIW