Hello everyone,
I have some news concerning the work in Siem Reap Cambodia.
Leang Dai
The work is doing alright for the church at Leang Dai and now Sokchea and Ravy are trying to help people up there with spiritual and also physical as well, but more importantly is the spiritual side.
Sokchea went to get engaged to his girlfriend last week on Saturday and he expects to marry next year, that's his plan. Please keep him in your prayers for his leadership as a local preacher to the church at Leang Dai.
The church is doing okay, and Choeuy and Borey, along with some more students keep going there to strengthen the faith of the members every week. On Saturday before last week I took my family and two mores student went there to visit the church and they seem to be happy to see us. Yesterday (Sunday) just after the worship there were 11 more souls added to the church by the Lord for the church at Takam.
I would like to ask you all to pray for Choeuy and Borey as they are now devoting themselves to work for the church at Takam and moreover they also plan to marry sometime.
Siem Reap
The church is doing okay. We prepare ourselves for the annual of lectureship that will come in two more weeks and now I have arranged some plan for the work evangelism. We've have some new people come to join with us on Wednesday and Sunday to study and worship with us.
I have two families that I have been working with now and Lord willing, sooner or later, they will become a Christian and our staff is also encouraged to setup Bible studies with more and more people especially around the church building.
Please also pray for Darat, one of our staff, who plans to marry this coming 1st of April with his girlfriend, Saray.
All in all, we thank you so much for supporting the work and the school in Siem Reap. God be with you and protect you always. Please say hello to the brethren in your congregation for us.