Even though December is just beginning and the year is quickly coming to an end, the work of Extension Training is making a powerful impact on the world. Sacrifices are being made, souls are being won for the Lord, lives are being changed and the church is growing numerically and spiritually.
Plans are moving forward for 2012. The potential is incredible as we look at several new locations to share in the work of training men to preach the gospel. God is opening a number of doors and we are excited about the possibilities. I look forward, with great anticipation, to sharing the news as it unfolds in the months ahead.
The Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver is also looking forward to a new class of students in January. At this time we will potentially have one of, if not, the largest January enrollments for the Denver campus. Everyone at the Bible Institute is encouraged by the increased interest of men who desire to prepare themselves for ministry.
We ask you to join us in praying for the work of Extension Training as it expands in the new year. We also ask you to pray for the current and incoming students here in Denver. If everything unfolds accordingly, we could possibly be looking at nearly 400 students in the entire Bear Valley program of training men to preach the gospel. Now that is news to get excited about!
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good. I am sure you have heard this many times before. Yet, it seems as I read the reports received each week, I continue to see how true it is. God has been so good to me, personally. However, God is so good to this work. I believe you will see the same as you read through each of the reports below. Our God is so good.
The news speaks for itself...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Donnie Bates recently sent his monthly report about his work at the extension school in Chimala and upcoming plans in Honduras. Read more about his recent work here. You can also read more about his trip to Honduras over the last few days here.
Extension Reports
Students Campaign In 18 Locations In Cameroon: After completing the first year of training in Cameroon, students for the next two weeks will be campaigning in 18 locations.
Phanat Visits The U.S. and Several Visit Cambodia: Two teams recently visited the work in Cambodia and Phanat was able to visit the U.S. and surprise his parents. This is a great report.
A Young Work With Great Potential: Even though the work in Ukraine is less than 20 years old, the potential from graduates in the Extension program will help change the future of the church.
AWESOME! This Is Great News: Cy Stafford’s report shares the incredible news of growth throughout Tanzania. The graduates from the ACSOP are making a difference.
Graduation And Other Great Work In Tanzania: The recent graduation of students from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, along with the evangelist efforts of Jimmy and Trina Gee’s work in Arusha, Tanzania is bring others to Christ.
Final Thoughts
Each week we draw closer to the end of the year and it is approaching quickly. With each week I grow more thankful for each of you. I know that each day this work grows because of the tremendous generosity of wonderful brothers and sisters like you. The sacrifices you make on this side, combined with the sacrifices being made by brethren on the other side, bears fruit in great ways.
Thank you for your love for the Lord, for His church, and for the lost. Together, as fellow-workers in the kingdom, God is working through us and giving the increase to our efforts. To God be the glory.
God bless