Greetings Fellow Workers;
2011 has come and is just about gone! Question, what has God blessed you with that you were able to share with another, or others? It is our hope, our prayer, that God blesses each of you with an even better 2012 that He might be glorified through your giving these blessings away. As our dear brother has said a long time ago, “life is but a vapor”, so, let each of us count each day as the blessing from God that it is and use each and every day to the fullest that other might better know Him.
What it is all about! For the last eleven years we have been working hard at training faithful Gospel preachers God’s Word that they may in turn, teach God’s Word to the good people of East Africa. The quote I received below says it all:
“Hello Cy, Just wanted to let you know of the spiritual blessings and increases that has been possible thru God. Last week was very productive, we had nine baptisms. Four from our congregation Sirisia, four baptized by Vincent Wakhungu who graduated from ACSOP Swahili class 2011. One baptism in the new church when I visited them.” (Charles Ogutu)
It really is all about “multiplication”! Missionaries from abroad will never do as good a work as is possible by our local brothers. When given the proper tools, they are able to do in short order what we could only hope to accomplish two life times. We are now seeing “second generation” graduates and the good they are doing.
Charles Ogutu graduated, taught Vincent Wakhungu the Gospel, recommended him to come to the ACSOP (he did), and now he has planted another congregation of the Lord’s people! Wow! God is good and He is doing mighty works through all his servants and supporters.
Gasper Julius wrote a very encouraging note, another example of the soundness and leadership quality of so many here in East Africa.
“Hello brother, we thank God because the two families who have had conflict between themselves, have both come together and agreed to forgive each other. I thank God for His blessings. Thank you for your prayers.” (Gasper Julius)
We close with hearts of joy and gratitude. We thank you all for your prayers and support, making this mission work possible. We solicit your continued support as we move forward with God’s work here in Tanzania. We know and we trust, with your help, God will bless our labors to His glory and to the saving of many souls. Thank you, God bless you all and we do wish you all a very Happy New Year!
In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny