Dear brethren,
We are doing fine here in Uganda. The churches of Christ in Busia, Namayingo and Bugiri Districts of Uganda are doing fine. On the other side, those churches in Busia District of Kenya are also doing fine. Their monthly gospel meetings are going on well. This Saturday, 10th of December, they will be meeting in Genguluho village.
On the 15th of December the Uganda School of Evangelism will host a lectureship. Plans are being done and teachers have been given lessons to teach. On our side we are also preparing ourselves on how to host them.
On the 11th of December I and brother Samson Omutele will be going to worship with brethren in Sigalagala church of Christ in Maragoli area in Kenya. They are raising funds to buy land for their church. We will be there participating in the fund raising. November 28th Margaret and I went to Nairobi, Kenya to visit her doctor. She was found that the cortisol was still low and her cholesterol was also high. The doctor told us to be visiting the hospital at least after three months. Pray for her health.
The brethren from Congo ask for your prayers. There is a lot of tension after election. They have also sent me their report which I have pasted.
Francis Wechesa
Dear brother in the Lord
I think this message finds you and your family doing well.
It’s a great joy to have an opportunity for giving reason why we thing the Congo work needs to continue and is worthy of the support of these churches.
I. The purpose of this report is twofold:
One, to show by scriptures, that gospel preachers have a right to adequate financial support.
Two, to give more information on the Congo work.
There are several reasons to think that the Congo needs support and must continue.
The most important of these reasons is: we have preached and many people have believed and many of them have been baptized and continue to worship in the Lord church.
If we must stop since the church is still at his novice age, what will happen to those won souls to the Lord? To whom will they go?
They have been convinced of their lost state when they were in the denominations. Should they get back there in order to be saved?
Even the disciple’s of Jesus when he asked them, do you also want to go after those who ceased following him. What was the disciple’s answer? They answered, to whom will we go, Lord, you have the word of life. John 6:68
Reason 2
We started this work in 2007. This is the fourth year since the church was established in Congo. So, in four years, can a church be able to drive the work in everything without an outlay of money while there is no income at all?
The church is still young to be left alone to assume all of the many responsibilities, both spiritual and material ones? Can a boy or daughter of four years be able to live without his parent’s help? Not at all.
Reason 3
The Congo work needs to continue and is worthy to be supported...
Because the support will enable the teacher to teach more people.
The time he ordinarily would spend in making money can be used in ministering the message of salvation.
Then, the importance of money matters to a preacher may be seen when one considers the material aspects of life on earth.
As long as one lives on earth he must be concerned about:
·Medical attention
All these demand an outlay of funds, however without an income they can be no outlay. Now my question is: which of the above necessities did our sponsors provide to any of the evangelists on the field in the Congo work? Although our work is worthy of great appreciation? Nevertheless, we have not used this right, but we endure all things lest we hinder the gospel of Christ. I think preaching is such an important matter that its proclamation should be supported. God made for priests to be supported as they ministered about things of the temple (1 Cor. 9:13).
Finally, the Lord ordained that those who preached the gospel should live of the gospel (1 Cor. 9:14).
It is the duty of people, because of Christ’s appointment, to support a preacher.
Reason 4
Our fourth reason is to present to our sponsors the facts of our work in Congo and this indeed, the growth of each church in details.
The church started this work in 2007 with brother Theofilo M. Songie, a graduate from Andrew Connally School of Preaching (Arusha, Tanzania).
We started with three persons, and now 75 men and women have been baptized with more than 50 attending every week. This church is still open and worshiping.
Brother Theofilo is the evangelist in charge of this church. He is a genuine one both for teaching and preaching. He is living in Uvira Town, East of Congo, South Kivu Region.
More than 60 have been baptized, and more than 40 are attending every week. Brother Mtendjwa Kipimo is the evangelist in charge. Baraka is located at 90 km from Uvira.
Aoci Ngolo is the evangelist in charge, with 36 baptized. This church is open and is worshiping.
The church continues to worship.
We have another church. Amisi Mialano is the evangelist in church.
ALL those facts, brethren in the Lord’s work, are living reasons why the work in Congo should continue being supported.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not vain in the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58) (KJV) Read also 2 Cor. 9:6-11
Always with you in the Lord’s labor.
Yours in the Lord
Theofilo M. Songie