Dear Supporters, Family and Friends:
Our very busy week has ended and the new week has begun with a reminder from Earl Edwards that a Christian should focus on the “eternal” because the “temporal” will pass away (2 Cor. 4:18). Our appreciation is extended to this fellow worker for his efforts this week (preaching at Kisongo, teaching a one-week short course plus being the keynote speaker at the ACSOP graduation yesterday). Please pray for brother Edwards as he travels home tonight and tomorrow.
Many hours of planning and work went into making this graduation a memorable event. Christopher Mwakabanje, co-director of ACSOP (over the Ki-Swahili program), planned and orchestrated the ceremony, Stephanie Stafford and several TZ ladies decorated beautifully and also planned and cooked all the delicious food and refreshments. We were fortunate that the Ward Councilman accepted our invitation to speak. He remembered when the preaching school was first being built and expressed his appreciation to us. Because of the great needs that exist, he challenged us to build an orphanage, primary school and medical clinic. Jimmy encouraged the graduates with a lesson concerning “Jesus in Gethsemane” knowing that these evangelists will encounter many problems and challenges. There were other inspiring speeches also. We will try to have pictures in the next report.
This graduation day was extra special because this is the first graduating class of the Kiswahili program (instruction being in Kiswahili instead of English)! Now that there are qualified Tanzanian teachers, the ACSOP is able to accept students who only speak Ki-Swahili. These fifteen graduates, having studied the Scriptures for two years, are now equipped and trained to teach others. This class represents seven different regions throughout Tanzania, and one in Kenya. Some will establish new congregations and some will serve and strengthen the existing church in their home places. This graduating class brings the total number of ACSOP graduates to over ninety! We are confident that as they go forth, so will the Gospel! God promised that His Word would not return unto Him void. Please pray for them. Concerning the new year, the plans are to enroll 30 in the Ki-Swahili program (over 150 applications received).
Baby Jessica (abandoned in the ravine) is safe and sound at the Cradle of Love Baby Home. The relatives of the guard (whose children found Jessica) visited her and, to our knowledge, are no longer accusing the guard of selling the baby.
Please pray for Theresia (baptized after studying with Lindsey) because the Pentecostal denomination members took her to their house one night, spending much time in prayer hoping she would re-join them (especially the choir). They convinced her to attend their services this morning. Lindsey and her translator went to her house and talked with her today and are returning again tomorrow. Theresia’s mother is also a member of this Pentecostal group.
Lindsey has a new study set up with Margaret (visited our services this morning) and Sid Aultman is due to arrive Tuesday night. Sid will continue evangelizing the Kwa Mrombo area. Some folks get this work “in their blood” and simply cannot stay away too long! We know the feeling and the excitement of being involved in such a challenging and rewarding endeavor. Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and financial support!
In Christian Love,
The Jimmy Gee family