By the grace and mercies of the great King Christ Jesus, Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies is going on with planned activities. Unfolding events indicate that there is hope for the future.
The quarter observed a few, but very significant activities. Brother Kojo Acquah-Beenyah, Preacher at Cape Coast congregation, was in Tamale to teach Hermeneutics. It was really gracious to have him in Tamale. He involved himself in the house-to house evangelism and was very active. His activity closed the quarter the first of October.
Due to the late admissions of four of the students, it has been arranged that they attended a three week session to be taught the classes they missed. Students arrived on October 10th and are being taught the topics: - Life of Christ and Becoming A Faithful Christian.
There was also a plan to run a workshop for leaders of congregations at Bogu, Tijo and Jimile. This plan, which was to equip the leaders with the knowledge of effectively handle their congregations, could not come on as scheduled because the leaders were demanding extra funds for their stay.
Baah Joseph Okyere