Cambodia Is Wet, But The Church Is Growing...

Below is the latest report from Phanat Ouch concerning the work in Cambodia. I urge you to read this wonderful report, but also to click here for the link to his post. You can see pictures referred to by Phanat.


Greetings family of God,

This month marks my fourth year in Cambodia! I am as excited about the work here as when I first arrived on September 25th, 2007. It’s been a wonderful journey and blessing in my life to do God’s work in this part of the world. I am amazed at how awesome God’s been in my life and I pray that He is doing amazing things in your life as well. It truly is an honor and a privilege to be a servant of God! We have wonderful news concerning Christ’s work in Cambodia for this month. I would like to begin with our new brother in Christ, Samol. What’s special about this case is that it’s a testimony to the work of IBISR and ultimately God’s word. We all know and agree that it is God who gives the increase and all glory belong to Him. I just wanted to point out that Samol was taught and baptized by our 2nd generation student named Sopheap from Takam village. It is a blessing to see the growth of Sopheap and how the word of God is working in his life to seek and save the lost. This case truly brings 2 Timothy 2:2 to life for us! We rejoice for our new brother in Christ, but we also rejoice for our ‘old’ brother in Christ. I don’t know if you know the feeling of personally bringing a lost soul to Jesus Christ but it is truly a great feeling. Please keep both of them in your prayers!

Joe Hickey, (I’m sure you all know him by now if you keep up with my blogs) and the brethren of Portal Way church of Christ brought forth much blessings to us. The church at Leang dai village needed a new exterior paint job on the building where they meet, so we gathered the students and local church members to help paint the building. Sokchea, the local preacher, is doing a great job in Leang Dai and is instrumental in saving the lost in that area. Joe’s congregation also helped get a new baptistery out in Takam village and also provided funds for our new school uniform at IBISR. Joe also taught the book of Colossians to the student while he was here on his short (1 month) stay. We are thankful for brethren like him and you who support this work and we pray that you continue to do so. Maybe one day you too can come and visit the work first hand and be a part of this work in that aspect. It is truly a life changing event, especially for our brethren oversees who’ve never been to a foreign country spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Recently, Siem Reap province has been flooded due to the tropical storm. In fact, this year was the worst year in history for Siem Reap as far as flooding goes. It was so bad that the government had to ‘cut’ roads in several places just to drain it out of the city. It has affected our school and where the church meets as well. They bulldozed our entrance to make way for the water to flow out. They told us that we must build a stone bridge from now on so that this won’t happen again. The local church cannot afford (at the moment) to pay for the construction. It is estimated to be $2000. If any of you brethren can help with this please send your checks to: 

Bear Valley church of Christ
2707 S. Lamar Street
Denver, Colorado 80227
For construction of bridge

Thank you once again for your great love and support of Christ’s work in Cambodia. I look forward to reporting to you once again next month as our brethren from Bear Valley, the Siem Reap 6 (Wes, Cathy, Sheryl, Sharon, Dale, and Rachel) join us for two weeks to do God’s work and fellowship with us in the month of October! 


Posted on October 2, 2011 .