Dear brethren, (October 10 report)
I am sorry to have not written my short report for a week or so. There have been a problem with my computer. It could bring very small letter on my gmail account until today when a friend showed me how to work it out.
The school is going on well. We are half way in our third quarter. Every body is very busy with class work. Paul is very busy managing the farm and also assisting me with many other work at the school. Margaret is busy with her kitchen work. She makes sure students get their meals on time.
We have also started translating from English to Kiswahili lessons which we are going to teach in the last quarter. We will be teaching The Book of Revelation, Anti-ism, The Beatitudes, Millennial Mania. We need some good Concordances and Bible Dictionaries, to give our students as gifts on the graduation day. We are also in need of different good books for our library. We have nothing in our library. If you know anybody who might be with some good books he or she can donate to us through Woodland Oaks Church of Christ in Houston, Texas. May the Lord bless you.
Dear brethren, (October 17 report)
We hope that you are all doing fine there in USA. We are fine here in Uganda. We are still having some rain around. Farmers still need it very much for their crop mature. On Sunday we worshiped at Junge Church of Christ where our graduate, brother Okochi Josephat, is the preacher. We enjoyed worshiping with them. My lesson was about how one can prove a growing church. "It is not by number but doing the will of God."
Ten churches among those planted by our school effort have started understanding the need to start being self supporting. They have started a plan of working together in purchasing land and building small grass thatched houses of prayers. They meet together every other two months to study and raise funds and the money raised is left for the hosting congregation. They want to do what they can to get through these efforts.
I know due to the poverty among them, it will take years to raise money which can do what they are planning, but it is better to start than waiting. Pray for them, and if possible we need your boost.
Yours In Christ
Francis Wechesa