Greetings from the Siem Reap Church Of Christ.
It's been a long time since I updated you with the work going on in Cambodia. It has been a blessing and also a sadness for a human being. I am very grateful for your prayers and encouragement to our family who lost our brother, also for Choeuy's father. As well, with these kinds of problems, we are thankful for the help to struggle more and more to serve our God because we realize that one day we will see him.
Siem Reap Church
Things were going well, I hope some of you got an update about the baptism of our new brother and sister last week. We had met with the local leader of the congregation, such as Svay Reang, Leang Dai, and Takam, to share experiences and to set up a plan for 2011 in evangelism. We've got some good experiences and some not very good. But through those that are not very good it helps us to grow our knowledge and faith. We are considering having a local leader meeting every year especially earlier in January to strengthen our faith and encourage one another.
Takam Church Of Christ
The work at Takam is going well. This time there, almost everyone in Cambodia is cutting rice because of harvest time in Cambodia, but praise the Lord that our brothers and sisters took their time to join the worship and fellowship as christian brethren and with God.
Hopefully, you all knowing about the loss of Choeuy's father. He was sick and lay on the bed for over three years and he finally died. I am very proud of Choeuy who stands up as a local preacher and preaches to his home village congregation. He is also one of our staff, teaching at school. He also took time to work over night because of he was trying very hard to find money to buy and pay for medicine and the doctor bill. Please keep your pray for him and help him as you can.
Leang Dai Church Of Christ
The work in Leang Dai is similar to Takam's because all of the members are farmers, so they are very busy at this time, but they still come to worship. That's very encouraging to the local preacher and a good example to their neighbors.
We have Joe Hickey now working with us, trying to encourage the members and doing some evangelism around Siem Reap and also at Battambang. He and I went down to Battambang last week to survey and encourage a congregation very young in the faith.
They were baptized by some liberal people who claimed that they are church of Christ, but do not hold fast the doctrine of Christ. For now, we asked one of our staff (Vanra), who is going there once a month, to have some teaching and encourage the people up there. Vanra has more relatives who live in that area called Kaj Rotes village. We also went to visit my family to have some Bible studies and we pray that sooner or later we will establish more congregations up there and, Lord willing, we will have a Bible school there in the near future. Pray with us about this plan.
All in all I am very appreciative to you all for being our Christian brothers, and for your support of the work in Siem Reap Cambodia.
We are very bless to have brother Phanat Ouch, who is now working with us as a director for the school in Siem Reap. He is a very good man, as he sacrificed to leave his family who lives in the USA and moved to work in Cambodia. I'm not sure if I can do like him or not!
God bless you and love you all in Christ.
Siem Reap church of Christ