Dear Co-Laborers,
The second-annual Tanzania Christian Camp came to an end yesterday. Ben Thompson, John Rice, John Watts, Burt Fuller, Kelsey Fuller and Morgan Fuller all came to Tanzania to make sure this event was a success. (It was a joy to see old friends and meet a new one, John Watts). There were over 70 campers in attendance, including four of our children, and several African brothers and sisters served as counselors, teachers, cooks, etc. There were four young souls baptized into Christ during the week and all heard sound Bible teaching and therefore were edified in their faith. We are thankful to God for the love and care shown by all who made this wonderful week possible. The good folks named above should be in the air on their way back to their families and friends as I am writing this. Please pray for their safe travel.
Our next visitors will be arriving on January 20. In the mean time we will do some resting and prepare for classes to be taught beginning the end of January. Also, I will be making a trip to the US to work on some schooling.
For those who are not on Facebook and did not know it already, Trina was in the hospital overnight Tuesday and into the late afternoon on Wednesday with bad stomach problems. She got dehydrated, so they admitted her to give her fluids and antibiotics by IV. Thankfully she is much better, just still a little weak. That is part of the reason why I (Jimmy) am doing the report this week instead of her. Thanks for all the prayers offered on her behalf. Some of our children, who also had the same thing, did not have it as bad because we caught it in time and knew what we were dealing with.
That is all I have for this week. I am sure Trina could have written more and been much more creative, but alas, the report can’t be perfect every time. Ha Ha Thanks for all you do to make it possible for us to be here!
In Christ,
Jimmy, Trina and the Kids