New Coordinator - Part 2

The news continues to be exciting as the program in Extension Training expands. Last week, Steven Ashcraft was introduced as a new coordinator for the work in Ghana. This week I want to introduce an additional coordinator to the program.

Josh Austin will be joining the team of coordinators in Bear Valley’s Extension Program. Josh graduated from the BVBID in 2002. Josh, his wife, Divine, and their four children (Aaliyah, Alyssa, Alayna, Josiah) have been working in Kayenta, Arizona on the Navajo Reservation since their graduation.

With eight years of experience on the Reservation, Josh will provide a great asset to the program. His work ethic, Biblical knowledge and people skills will   help strengthen the extension program in every area.

The growth of the work in Kayenta is a testimony to the ability Josh has demonstrated over the past 8 years. His willingness to join the staff of coordinators will aid the development of the work in several countries and in the program overall.

Josh will be working in two countries in Africa. With the assistance of Steven Ashcraft, Josh will work with the Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo. He will also coordinate the work of the Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu.

Josh will continue to have an element of influence in helping the work on the Reservation. There are classes each month he will continue to help coordinate with various instructors in order to aid in the growth of the church on the Reservation. He will also have an active part in assisting the various men who are laboring with the church.

Josh and his family are planning to move to the Denver area in April or May. During the interim, he will begin acclimating himself in various areas of the work. He will also be active in raising the necessary support for his family in this work.

It is exciting to see the growth in our staff. Please pray for Josh and his family during this time of transition. There is so much ahead as the program of Extension Training continues to grow.


Coordinator Updates

Remember Howell and Mary Ferguson as they work in Chimala, Tanzania. They will be at the Chimala Bible College working with Garry Hill for the next few weeks.

Donnie Bates is in Nepal. You can read his report is located at the following address:


Extension Reports

Siem Reap, Cambodia

The following report is from Chann about the work of the church and school in and around Siem Reap.


Recently, we cut off the internet at the school for a while because of changing to a new system so we can save some money and use for the other items. That’s why I am rarely using the internet for a while and also missed to update you all about the latest work.

Things are going well here with the church and also school. Last week on Saturday we had a medical team from Taiwan who volunteered to help the people in Leang Dai and Somroung, also the other villages around as well.

My family had a week off during a national holiday, and we went to visit my family at my hometown. We took our time to worship together with my brothers and sisters, also some relatives and friends. There were 32 of us who worshipped and studied the bible together there. I was very happy to see my brethren studying with us with their attention.

We have contacted another place recently to set up a Bible study every Sunday afternoon. There were 8 to 10 people who studied with us on Sunday.

We are working to make a contact at two different places to have a Bible study and try our best to convert them. We want to establish the congregation as well at Tropeang Seh and another one is Vat Jork village.

Keep your prayer for us and I have some pictures want you to see what we’ve done recently.  I have tried to attach some pictures but I wondered what’s wrong with it yet. I promise to send them to you later.

In the love of our God.


Phanat also sends a link to view the work taking place in Cambodia. Go to the address below to get the latest report on the missionary activity:

CSMT, Nigeria

The following report was sent from Reuben Egwu with the Comprehensive School of Management and Technology. The evangelistic efforts of the students is expanding and it is exciting to read about the work they are doing in Nigeria.

It is interesting to write you. God has opened another way of reaching the perishing. We are also now into prison ministry. For the past two sundays, one of our graduates (Ubi Okoi), some current ministerial students and I  have been working with the prison inmates.

Four souls which were converted by the brethren from Akanu Ibiam Polytechnic, Unwana. Afikpo- Campus church have been increased by 12 baptisms through my team’s efforts. We went there as the brethren who started the work went on holidays. We went with the words, tracts sent by Mission Printing and Bibles. On 27th October 2010, the prison authority at Afikpo allowed us to baptize the inmates who indicated interests. This was done in batches with armed security to guard the inmates. To God be the glory. The catholics were putting stumbling blocks to the decision of the inmates. Please, pray for the inmates and the ministry. It is demanding as even the warders are  giving us attention.

One of them that was baptized got there because of his inability to pay about $50 after the court judgement. We are making efforts to get him released and direct him to the nearest congregation in his town in Ebonyi state.

Accept my regards, please.


Chandigarh, India

The following report is from Earnest Gill, working with the North India Bible College in Chanidgarh. There are plenty of challenges to this work and we ask you to be praying for his efforts and ours as we seek to find ways to help the financial needs.

Dear Brothers, by your prayers and support we have been doing well and are growing in the work of the Lord. We are also encouraged by the good reports from the brothers working in the Northern part of India. Reports of people obeying the Lord are received. Brother Subodh Gual reported that 7 people were baptized and 20 more were ready to obey. He told me that place for worship in Balco, Chhattisgarh is becoming short now.

We had good gospel meetings in Verka (Amritsar), Dhariwal and Ludhiana (all Punjab state). Our daily outreach and other activities are going well. Some students in the 2nd year batch are doing an extraordinary job. I can say that we feel proud to produce such preachers. We gave out 217 Hindi, Punjabi, English Bibles, distributed tracts on Salvation (Bridge of LIFE), Things Eternally Important, Understanding New Testament Christianity, and several Truth for Today books in Hindi and Punjabi languages.

Brother Jerry taught for a week in the NIBC. He taught on Leadership. I was invited by brother Shernappa in Maharashtra state to speak in 2 days Seminar (Nov. 22-23) in Nanded, a Sikh holy place in Maharashtra.

This month a young boy in our congregation who had his heart valve closed, died. We had prayed much and were trying to raise funds for his treatment but perhaps it was not God’s will for him.

This month we faced an expected threat on our work. As the prices everywhere are increasing, especially in Chandigarh where the people have highest per capita income, highest per capita vehicle, highest percentage tax payers in India and more and more Nonresident Indian (NRI) belong to the North and they wish to have a place for them near in or Chandigarh, we had been put in trouble. For the past few years we had been using a commercial place for the classes and the worship services. But since July this year, because of our inability to pay the increased rent, we moved to a residential area. This month the RWS (Resident welfare Society) complained against us to the police that they are using that building illegally. Because we are in Hindu dominated area, we urged them to give us some time to find a new place. But I was again called in the police station yesterday to give the update. I asked for more time.

We have shifted the place of worship in a new place at the additional cost of about $250 per month, but for the classroom we have not been able to find yet where we can accommodate students also. To get a place for about 20 people after few months has been a headache.

Presently we are in the building crisis and I urge you to pray for this great ministry that has a vision to strengthen the local church and spread the Churches of Christ in the Northern part of India.

I know that this is not an easy job that is given to us but we are serving the LIVING GOD and we trust in him. It is often said that North India is a hard ground, but together we put our efforts, we can make it a fruit giving country.

In Christ

Earnest Gill

Wotutu, Cameroon

The following report is from Elangwe Esowe about the work of the church in Cameroon. We will have much more exciting news about this work next week. Read more at

Arusha, Tanzania

Greetings Fellow Workers:

We hope and pray all is well in your life and service in the Lord. We are indeed a blessed people to be able to call you brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow workers in the Kingdom of God. Thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement and support. God’s work here in Tanzania continues to grow; and maturing on many levels.

Let me introduce you to Joshua. Joshua is a waiter at a new restaurant/coffee shop here in Arusha. Recently we had a number of short term co-workers here to teach and preach. One morning a number of us stopped by for breakfast before we started our day. While sitting there I asked one Isaac (a local brother and evangelist) to ask Joshua if he would like to study God’s Word. So, the seed was planted, the study set up. Terry & Roger went with Isaac and they studied with Joshua and his wife Happy. After several studies (watering) both Joshua and Happy obeyed the Gospel (God gave the increase). Roger and Terry have gone home, back to their families in America. But the work continues……

The ladies at the Arusha Church have gone to visit Happy and the family. Stephanie and Jane continue studying with Happy. Isaac and I continue studying with Joshua. Joshua has joined us in our New Converts class each Sunday morning. Their baby, Ashley, has been sick, in the hospital, but is doing much better. Many of the Church family at Arusha went to the hospital to visit the family when they were at the hospital. TodayJoshua our new brother, his seven year old daughter, Annett, were in Bible class and worship.

Let me introduce you to Faraja, he was “visiting” today here at Arusha. Isaac and I introduced ourselves and asked him a few questions. Come to find out he was taught the Gospel several years ago by Charles Creel (a former missionary and team member working in Moshi). This was the second week he had come to worship at Arusha. He road a bicycle (borrowed bicycle) over 15 miles one way to come to Bible class and worship. He participated in our new converts class today. Isaac and I have a follow-up Bible class at his home tomorrow afternoon.

I relate the above stories to illustrate what God is doing through the Arusha Church, through our short term workers, mission team, etc. The maturing of the Lord’s Church here in Tanzania is an amazing thing to witness. Having worked with the Lord’s Church here in the Northern part of Tanzania for the past twelve plus years, has brought a great blessing to see real growth. To see the twenty year mission plan unfold, materialize, and on target is a blessing for sure.

As we move forward in God’s service we all need to be reminded of God’s words: “And let us not be weary in well doing; For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Amen!

In Him,

Cy & Stephanie

Final Thoughts

I have heard and used the phrase “the best is yet to come” several times through the years. This is exactly how I feel with each step forward into the future of this work. I am thankful for the progress that has been made, but I know the future holds so much more. Truly, the best is yet to come.

Thank you to all of you who are so involved in assisting in this work. Thank you for your interest and the prayers you continually offer on behalf of this entire program.

My prayer for you all is God’s richest blessings.


Posted on November 1, 2010 .