Bates Newsletter - August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011

Greetings in the Name of our Lord!  

First, I apologize for this month’s report being just a little later.  I wanted to include my trip to Guatemala in this newsletter, so I waited an extra week to get it out.  That trip ended this past Saturday.  I traveled to Guatemala City on Saturday August 6 for my class on Job at ITL (Instituto Teológico Latinoamerican) which began on Monday, August 8 and concluded on Friday, August 12.  While things began a little rocky with respect to grades on the daily quizzes, by the time the week concluded the students had made the adjustments necessary and finished up just fine.  This was my first short course with this new class.  We have 5 men in the new class, one of whom is married and his wife is also a student at ITL.  The names of the students are:  Manuel David Avila Chuc, Walter Wildredo Dardón Carrillo, his wife Nohelis de Dardón, Ángel Gabriel Gonzalez Morales, Eliezer Perez and Alejandro Tot Peláez.  This week they are studying Intertestamental History with Gary Fallis and next week will be studying How to Study the Bible with Dan Owen via the video conferencing system.

At the end of July Noma and I traveled to Honduras to be present for the beginning of classes for the second class (Beta Class) on August 1.  I was very happy that Noma could go with me.  This was her first trip with me to one of our schools.  There are 9 men who make up this new class.  We are extremely pleased to have this number of students.  I’m sorry that I do not have all their names to put in this report, but I will have them soon.  Some of the students I have known already, but some are new, and I’d like to wait and post all their names at the same time.  I will also continue to be searching for funding for this school.  Currently, in part because the number of students has grown, we are operating on a shortfall of approximately $1,400/month.  We are able to do this for a short time because of a surplus that was built up by a long recess between graduation and the new classes beginning.  However, this situation will not last long.  I would appreciate any help in meeting this budgetary need.  I have a complete and detail account of our budget that I would be more than happy to send anyone who interest in helping us.

My plans this month are to speak at the Inola, Oklahoma congregation at a Holding to the Truth seminar on August 20.  On August 28 I will be presenting our work to the congregation in Odessa, Missouri.  On August 31 I will be giving a report of our work to the congregation in Wapanucka, Oklahoma.  Then, on September 1 I leave for Colorado for our annual staff retreat.

Thank you again for your interest in this work.  Without good brethren like you it would be very difficult to do and I appreciate you more than I can express in a newsletter like this.  May God richly bless each of you.  If you would like to contact me, you may reach me at:

2013 Rushing Meadows, Edmond, OK 73013

Cell Phone:  (580) 326-1914


*Please note the change of email address!

Thank you again and God bless you all!!

Donnie Bates

Posted on August 15, 2011 .