February Newsletter

I remember putting a little short blurb in last month’s newsletter about how it has been a mild winter so far in Oklahoma City.  Apparently, that was just for my benefit.  On January 29, I left for a two and a half week trip to Honduras, during which time winter made its presence felt with two major winter storms, while I suffered through 90 degree days.  Now, I realize that to some of you that will sound like I am rubbing it in, or bragging.  Actually, I would like to have been here for the weather and not hot, but I was glad I could be in Honduras with the brethren there.

I taught Revelation the first week I was in Honduras.  Denny Petrillo, President of Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver came down the next week and taught Hermeneutics.  The class and staff appreciated his class very much and I was happy he could be there.  Unfortunately, due to a death in the family, Denny had to return early and did not get a chance to attend the first graduation of IBH, even though he had been anxious to be there for the students.  They, of course, understood and all wished him a safe trip home to his family.  Bob Turner, Director of Extensions at Bear Valley, came down along with his son Chase, and did attend the graduation and had encouraging words to say to the graduates.  We are very proud of these young men and pray God’s blessings on them as they continue their great work in His kingdom!

My schedule for the next few months is full.  I leave on Saturday, March 5 for a week in Guatemala, where I will be teaching Minor Prophets II (Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi).  There is an extension staff meeting in Denver, March 14, 15 and then I return to Guatemala on March 31 for their first graduation.  In the next newsletter I will have more information about April and May. 

You may contact me at: 

2013 Rushing Meadows

Edmond, OK 73013

Cell Phone:  (580) 326-1914

I so appreciate your interest, concern and prayers for this work. 

Thank you and God bless you all. 

Donnie Bates

...praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ... (Colossians 4:3).

Posted on February 27, 2011 .