Danlí, Honduras - December 8, 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8 - Today was the last day of classes for the material.  We were able to cover it just fine.  It has been a very good study.  My prayer is that this material will serve these men as well as it has served me.  I met with brother Nery over lunch and it ended up being about a 3-hour meeting, in which we discussed numerous things and, I believe, got some very important things settled.  I so appreciate this brother!  In the evening I was blessed to preach at the regular Thursday evening “culto” (worship).  On Thursdays, as I have reported before, the brethren of the El Zarzal congregation worship in someone’s home.  This week, we met in the home of a young lady named Paula, who has expressed a desire to be baptized.  The rest of her family are not Christians and I was asked to preach an evangelistic sermon.  I chose to talk about the hope that we did not have before we were Christians (Ephesians 2:1-12), but that we now have as Christians (Ephesians 2:13), having obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which we were committed (Romans 6:17), which is described in Romans 6:3-5.  Hopefully, it was well received by the family.  Back at the hotel, I filled out the grade sheet for the week, ready to turn in tomorrow and packed for my return home.

Friday, December 9 - I arrived at the Institute a little early this morning, finding all the students busy studying for the Final Exam.  After chapel, I started them off with the exam, but then left with brother Luis David Argeñal who drove me to the airport.  Brother Nery will finish administering the Final.  The students have a campaign week next week, then a few weeks off before classes begin again in January.  It was a very crisp morning this morning and the temperature dropped even further as Luis and I crossed over the mountains.  We arrived at the airport in plenty of time; I was soon checked in and bade farewell to my brother and headed for security.  The trip to Houston was without incident (an answer to prayer).  After a 3-hour layover, I took the last leg of the trip to Oklahoma City, arriving home not long after 9:00 p.m.  I’m so glad to be home again.  Thank you all for your prayers.

Donnie Bates

Posted on December 10, 2011 .