The cost is your time and effort...
The cost of education today is skyrocketing. Many will pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition to attend a four-year Christian college. The good news is there is NO TUITION for you to attend the two-year Bachelor’s Degree Program at Bear Valley. You will need to pay for school materials, minor fees, books, and living expenses. You will also be required to have a current laptop computer as well as purchase the Logos Bible Software (This tool is offered to Bear Valley students at a significant discount by Logos).
The Bear Valley congregation and many, many others, financially support the work of the school and make it possible for you to attend at no charge. Just because there is no tuition to attend Bear Valley doesn't mean the education is free. It requires $15-20,000 per student each year to provide this training. Student scholarships are provided by generous individuals and churches throughout the Brotherhood to help with the costs that are involved for our students. Please contact our Development Department to discuss scholarship options and availability.
Students provide their own living expenses while in school. These expenses include housing, food, medical expenses, insurance, transportation, and all other normal living expenses. Funds adequate to cover these expenses may be secured by the student from congregations, relatives, friends and personal savings. See "Raising Support" for more information about how to secure these funds.
Required Equipment
Each student is required to have a laptop computer equipped with an up-to-date word processing program (MS Word, etc...). All students are also required to purchase the Logos Bible Software. This software will be used in a number of classes and students will be given in depth training on its use. A generous discount is given to our students from Logos for purchasing this tool. More details on this purchase will be provided after the student is accepted for admission to the Bible Institute.
Living Expenses
Actual living expenses vary from family to family. Certainly single students can and do live less expensively than a family of four. Car payments, previous debt, health and auto insurance and other factors will contribute significantly to the amount of money you need to raise to live in Denver while you are in school. Our current student’s needs however, can shed some light on how much money you will need for certain expenses.
HOUSING - Housing costs in Denver also vary widely based on your particular need. Our students find on average housing will cost $1800-2500 per month for a married couple and $800-1000 per month for shared housing (single students). Bear Valley has arrangements with some area apartment complexes and individuals that provide discounted rates for our students. Single students interested in sharing and apartment should contact our Development Department. We are often looking to pair students as roommates when possible.
FOOD - Our current students also find that food costs run approximately $600-700 per month for a family of four and roughly $350 per month for single students.
Raising Support
Students attending the Bible Institute are responsible for their own financial support. The Institute will lend assistance in helping students in this area. Due to class load, a full-time student is strongly advised against having a job. For more information about assistance, the staff is available for counseling.
Sources of support available to consider...
Congregations, friends, relatives, parents
BVBI is approved by the Colorado State Approving Agency for Veteran's Benefits
Working wife (a wife may hold a job as long as it does not interfere with her full participation in the Wives Program)
A guideline to use for determining a minimum amount of support needed is the following PLEASE NOTE: These amount vary widely depending on the students personal financial commitments. These are amounts are a very rough estimate:
Single…… approximately $1400-2000 per month
Married… approximately $4000 per month
Family with children...approximately $5000 per month
Required books and materials - approximately $25 per mo.
Higher totals may be necessary depending on your personal situation and commitments.
Suggested Packet to Help You Raise Support
Every student that attends Bear Valley must raise their own support. For many this is a new and challenging experience. However this is doable, and with some work and persistence you can get it done. We offer the following guidelines as a help to you in raising your support to attend school. Please prepare a number of these "packets" and send them to prospective supporters that you know (i.e. relatives, elders, missions committees, other individuals, etc.).
I: Preparation
Think through exactly what you hope to accomplish Short term support
Long term support (5 + years)
Monthly contributions verses lump-sum
Get together the materials you will need Plastic sheet folder
One folder for each elder/mission committee member
Good quality paper
II. Construction of Presentation
Page #1:
Resume Photograph of you and your family
Brief educational background
Brief description of work experience (including secular work history)
Family history: wife, children (ages of), where raised, etc.
Christian background (conversion, work in local church
Page #2:
Goals Short range (raise support for school, attend school)
Sometimes best to ask for only 1 year of support at a time
Page #3:
School Fact Sheet History – include oversight by Bear Valley elders
Teachers – experience, excellent teacher/student ratio
No tuition
Full 128 credit hour program in two years
Sample class schedule
School brochure
Page #4:
Letters of recommendation Include two or three
Note others are available (if you have them)
Give names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of references
Acceptance letter from BVBID
Page #5:
Financial Information Budget – what your monthly needs will be. Itemize these, putting your contribution to local congregation as the first item.
Needs – Be reasonable – take into account your family, include health insurance, etc.
Check with school office to see what are reasonable support amounts are for your situation (e.g. single, married with no kids, married with 2 kids, etc.).
Be specific in what your needs are and what you are asking them to do. Think about this before your put it in your presentation. For example, don’t tell a church of 50 people you need $30,000 a year. Can they contribute $100/month?
Other considerations:
You should pray frequently and fervently before you meet with these elders or mission committed members
You should carefully go through these packets, making sure they are VERY professionally done (easy to read, no typos). You can rest assured that you will not receive any help if you do not have your act together, or that your packet does not look well thought out, neat and organized. Remember, most congregations receive dozens of requests each month (hundreds if a larger church).
Mailing these packets usually will not work. Most congregations are inundated with financial requests. Instead, find a key person who will set up the meeting for you if possible.
Determine if you want to hand these out at the beginning of your presentation (not recommended - unless you are going to go over it with them point by point) or have them available to distribute after you make your presentation.
Also there are a number of Christian foundations that provide some support for students. Please check with the school office for more information about these foundations.