Alan & Ree Nalley (Brazil Report)

* Alan and Ree Nalley are 1984 BV grads. They have been long-time missionaries in Curitiba, Brazil. Below are reports from just the last 4 days. What exciting news from Brazil! If you are interested in receiving regular updates from Alan, contact him at


Hi Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for praying for fruit. Planting and watering is going on in Brazil and God is giving the increase. Luan was baptized Saturday, December 7. Ruy, our church secretary, song leader, small group leader and graduate of our preacher school taught Luan the Gospel and buried him with Christ and God resurrected Luan to eternal life. Glory to God.

Serving Jesus with you,

Alan and Ree


Hi Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Roni and I traveled to Sao Mateus do Sul again this weekend. On Saturday evening we both went walking in separate directions on a dirt road to make friends and invite people to Bible study. On Sunday morning we had 3 members and 1 visitor for worship. The other member traveled 2 hours by bus to give us support. Sunday afternoon we had 8 visitors for Bible study.  Pray as we work the soil and plant the Seed. Roni has been a Christian for two years now.  He is now leading in worship and this week wrote his first sermon. I now know why Jesus loved to get away with the disciples, between cities.  During our trip I have been able to share a lot with him about being a good dad and husband, as well as sharing the Gospel and learning to write a sermon.  Pray for Roni as he grows in his service to the Master.

Serving Jesus,

Alan and Ree 


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We have a new sister in Christ.  Marlene was baptized Monday evening, December 10. I visited her for the first time 9 years ago. She has been coming to our small group for several months now. Zenir taught her the Gospel earlier this year.  Zenir is pictured with her, right after her baptism.  I taught her the Gospel again in the past few months and now she made Jesus her Lord.  Praise God!  The group picture is our Tuesday night evangelistic small group.  Two more in the picture are close to a decision also.

Serving Jesus,

Alan and Ree

Posted on December 10, 2013 .