Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ekwendeni

Ekwendeni, Malawi


The school is located at Ekwenden, Malawi in south, central Africa and is supported by the Bear Valley church of Christ. Partnering with BV is the Hillcrest church of Christ in Neosho, Missouri.

Ephron Mbano is the local Director and instructor for the school, assisting Ephron is Clergynton Harawa who serves as the dean of students as well as an instructor, both having graduated with a Masters Degree from Chimala, Tanzania


Bear Valley Bible Institute-Malawi, Ekwendeni
PO Box 125
Ekwendeni, Malawi
Ephron Vincent Mbano:
+265 881 29 72 62
Facebook: Bear Valley Bible Institute-Ekwendeni

Stateside Coordinator:
Donnie Estep
PO Box 313
Ragland, WV 25690
Mobile: 304-784-5416
Office: 606-237-4673

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Lilongwe

Lilongwe, Malawi


This Bear Valley Extension school is under the oversight of Crieve Hall Church of Christ located in Nashville, TN. Bear Valley Lilongwe, Malawi began October 10, 2022. The school is focused on training family units how to grow the Lord’s church. We not only train the men, but we train their wives as well. The campus is equipped to host 10 families in individual houses for the duration of the 2 year program. The children have the opportunity to attend a local primary or secondary school.

Dale Kastner is the director. Navie Theu, Foster Zimba, Solomon Moyo, Isaac Banda, and Leann Kastner are instructors at the school. Donnie Estep is the US Coordinator/ Instructor.


Dale Kastner -

Stateside Coordinator:
Donnie Estep
PO Box 313
Ragland, WV 25690
Mobile: 304-784-5416
Office: 606-237-4673