Students doing well in Uganda

Greetings in the mighty name of our lord Jesus. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I thank my God in all my remberence of you, always offering prayers with joy in my  every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in this work of saving souls from day one to date with all the confidence that  this work that brings joy having been part of our lives will continue until we see our savior 

I am happy to share with you the joy that the school is back from the holidays energetic and zealous for the good works. Classes are on and I will be teaching two courses: HOMILETICS AND LIFE OF CHRIST 2. There are currently 13 students. We continue asking for your prayers for these men and the teachers as they  travel to come and teach.

We have been receiving messages from the local congregations that send these me, giving their thanks for what the men are turning to be in terms of helping the congregation. Not only for these ones, I have been visiting the former students too and their work gives a difference.  We greatly thank God for this  blessing. 

Thank you so much 

Be blessed 

Until all have heard 


Posted on August 8, 2023 .