Amazing Outreach Program With Students At ACSOP In Tanzania...

Greetings fellow servants, 

The Lord is doing an amazing job through His servants here in ACSOP. All this is because you and many other good friends of God have chosen to help us in spreading the good news (The Gospel).

The following is the number of people reached by the gospel through our student outreach program, only in April.

43 Bible studies conducted (Remember in these studies there is more than one person attending.)
10 souls have been added to the kingdom.
40 Bible correspondence courses have been distributed
100 Bible tracts have been given out.

The student outreach program is the program started by the school for the purpose of helping our students to be better equipped to do evangelism before they go out. Through this effort the surrounding congregations benefit by having extra workers in the field. Students who are coming from congregations that do not have a preacher are given the chance to go home and minister to the saints where they come from. 

One example of this is brother Martin Tulway, who is one of our second year students. He established a congregation where he came from, known as Endamarariek.  He went back this weekend for evangelism on Saturday and worship on Sunday and here is what he wrote, “Evangelism was done on Saturday, three classes were conducted. Clement Boay was baptized…..” This and many more blessings are being bestowed to us through your prayers and support. Thank you so much for all that you do and mean in His Kingdom.

Please do not cease from praying. Our brother, Cy, still needs you prayers because he is about to take another round of chemotherapy. Please continue to pray for us as we continue fighting the devil and his angels.

Your servant in His Kingdom,

Charles Mwanga
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
P.O. Box 14041
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on May 8, 2016 .