The Importance Of Prayer Highlights The Need In Wotutu, Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope this report finds you in good health and a sound faith. We are doing better today as our students and members are gaining health. Continue to pray for some who are still very sick like brother Nguty Victor and others. Thanks for your prayers and deep concern.

Life goes on well. Today is Labor Day in Cameroon. Workers of all walks of life are celebrating and soliciting for better working conditions. We were in worship doing what the Lord has commanded us to do. We labor day and night with joy because there is no day set aside for us to celebrate, as we celebrate the greatness and love of God daily, Psalm 118:24. Thank you to all who are part of the work here. God bless you.

Last week was great in BVBIC-Wotutu, even though some students were out of the classroom because of their ill health, but many thanks to God who is acting in many ways to manifest His work. The students continue to grow as they prepare for ministry by the end of this year. Keep them in your prayers as they will start writing a research paper on a variety of topics that will be put in their library and at the school.

The students who went out for weekend evangelism returned back to school without any problem. They brought news of growth, as congregations like Batoke, Likomba, and many others keep receiving our students on a weekly basis because since their establishment there is no preacher.

I taught on the topic, “The Importance of Prayer.” With the current situation in the world, many need to know and see the power of prayer which gives hope to the hopeless world because we can see that guns, machine guns, bombs, suicide bombs, illegal negotiations, and political dialogues are unable to restore peace and freedom in the world. The best thing for us to know and do daily is to commit into God’s hands. Only God can do what is lasting.

The scriptures keep opening our eyes to do more for perishing souls, as we stick to our motto Evangelism is our Mission and Our Mission is Evangelism. We are leaving no stone unturned to make this happen. We started a hospital visit ministry today. We are aimed at reaching to both patients, nurses, and doctors as we have the opportunity. We arrived at the Limbe district hospital where we have a pediatrics ward and others. Just like when we preached in prison for the students to know that area of calling, we started taking them to the hospital to see how they can give hopeful words, sweet songs and prayers to those in pain. It was wards to wards, and beds to beds meeting patients one on one after a general prayers. Some patients cornered students and gave personal prayer requests.

Brother Mendel shared tracts with patients and care givers. Brother Mendel is doing a great job in the Wotutu congregation and the orphanage home. He conducts evening devotions with the children. Keep this brother in your prayers for such a zeal. Many thanks to Mission Printing for the tracts that we can give to people of all walks of life, so that after preaching they can check the scriptures later.

Many thanks to all involved in this work. Our van and the small car can take along many to destinations to reach out to the masses. God blesses all hands that are placed to do the work that is going on here. Students and Christians of Wotutu continue to benefit when we are called somewhere for God’s business.

Sister Julianna Enie obeyed the gospel. She was pleased to be part of the family of God here in Wotutu. Keep her in your prayers as she walks with Christ.

Brother Robinson was happy to receive a copy of the Bible after his baptism. We are embarking on the mission to make sure every body has a copy of the Bible. Bibles are needed all the time in many other congregations that we are working with us. Brethren are eager all the time to know more from the word, but unfortunately not all congregations will have a copy of the Bible.

The Wotutu congregation is blessed since the coming of the Bible college here. During the first batch, as they moved closer to their graduation day, donated an aluminum preaching stand to Wotutu. The Gamma batch just donated 4 ceiling fans and one standing fan to my office. On our ceiling we have ceiling fans which will help cool down members of our congregation as the population continues to increase. It also affects the free circulation of air in the worship hall. These fans will help a lot. We prayed for them and commit them into the hands of God, for God to bless them in return from these good gestures. From their support in school they were able to save up a little to buy what we enjoy today. One is needed on our pulpit. Maybe they will buy it or Wotutu congregation will support them with that. They are really a good group of students. I, as the director, am proud of them.

1) We shall be in Kumbo for the scholarships Lectureship in 3 weeks time.

2) The entrance exams to get new students into BVBIC-Wotutu is coming up on the 28th of May.

3) We have just adjusted our program for this month, as our students will leave for vacation on the 29th of May and return on the 4th of June. After the short-course and the agricultural seminar in Mbanga, they will all take off from there to different locations for mission work which will last about 10 days.

When we look around and see what the Lord is accomplishing daily through His children, of which you are one, we thank you for allowing the Lord to use you. We are blessed to know you and for your contribution towards the growth of this work. We say thank you and may God continue to bless you and keep you strong.

Do your best to share this with others.

Prayer Request
Keep in your prayers brother Fundungallah Fidelis' wife, who had a miscarriage. The brother traveled to the village to be with her in few days. The challenges are great, but God is too faithful to fail. Satan will never succeed.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 1, 2016 .