Making To Dismantle The Kingdom Of Satan...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We are doing fine and we do hope you are doing great also in all that you do for the Lord.

Our students went out to 21 locations for one week preaching and teaching and they are all back safe and sound with great reports about the development of the kingdom. We give all glory and honor to God and we send our sincere appreciation to you and all those you know who are making this possible.

Students are already one week into the new quarter in high gear as they make sure that all is okay with them, as concerns the equipping of themselves while they prepare for full time ministry.

One of our students, Hilary, went on house to house evangelism. We believe in this aspect of evangelism because it keeps you closer to the prospect who can freely ask questions for clarifications.

The staff of BVBIC-Wotutu were also out sharing the message in different locations. We also used the opportunity to meet some of our students in the field and spend time with them sharing the message. It is always good for us to witness, and it is a blessing for the students to stay with the staff side-by-side handling the scriptures. By doing so, we help them learn more outside the classroom.

I was also part of house to house evangelism in different villages sharing the message and given hope to the hopeless, that Jesus cares and He is still on the throne.

Evangelism is our passion. Everyone here is eager when the week draws near to Friday because it is an ample opportunity for us to go out to share the good news and also help many know the bad news as well.

God blessed our efforts by adding souls as brother Edube baptized a soul in the Kumba area.

God also blessed the work by adding souls in Bole village through the evangelistic efforts of brother Akama Kingsly.

Sister Mirabel obeyed the gospel bringing in a total of 26 baptisms from the different locations, along with 10 restorations from the one week we were out. The Lord helped us establish two new congregations. Keep the new work in Kom and Bechati villages, which is really far from Wotutu. We need to send students every week for nurturing. The field is ripe and the laborers are few. Thanks for your prayers and support, as 21 laborers are in the making to dismantle the kingdom of Satan.

There is an ongoing cultural jamboree in Limbe that envelops all ethnic groups in Cameroon from all parts blending our cultures and regional integration.

Muslims are part of it and there is free integration and peace, making Cameroon a peaceful place, as our soldiers continue to push away the Boko Haram. Keep our northern part of Cameroon in your prayers.

I was with the Nguty congregation last week. Please, they are crying for help to fill up the open walls and to place a concrete floor, which will be their own permanent place of worship. After being harbored in a brothers house for 35 years, they need help. If you can help it will be good. They have tried to cover the iron sheets and some walls, doors, and a concrete floor, end up their cry.

1) Ideanua mission in still pending.

2) Likomba is making progress.

od bless you. Thanks very much for all that you are doing for the work here. Your love has sinked down in our minds and we shall never forget about you.

All our computers are down because of power failure. Please, our students need to be back on the internet as they carry out research to end up their course. Pray for us to have the\ means to get the computers back on track.

Brightland Christian Academy resumes tomorrow for the last face of this academic year. Keep the kids and the teachers in your prayers as they will be involved in a number of public examsand other things, which if done well, will keep the name of the school flying high.

Do your best to share with others this report.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on April 3, 2016 .