Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from this part of the globe, our beloved, beautiful, and peaceful Cameroon. We do hope this reports finds you doing great and expanding the shores of the gospel in your area. God is faithful to us, but we are doing our best to be our brother’s keeper as we join to expand the shores of His kingdom using every given opportunity.
Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well and we give glory to God, but it passed by with lots of challenges to our students. As we enter into the rainy season the climate change this time around is funny to the health of many this year.
Classes went on well as all the instructors were there to continue transplanting knowledge as sound as they are so that these men will continue the process after school to many locations touching lives and transforming them for the Lord’s use. Some of our students were not in class because of ill health, so they stayed in the dormitory while others were going down to see doctors in Limbe and they were later referred to other doctors in other towns depending on the situations. For example, brother Nguty Victor had a minor stroke, brother Njikeng Cyprine has watery and painful eyes, brother Oponde Daniel has severe gastric pains, brother Hilary has serious ribs pains, and many of the other students have severe malaria, along side vomiting and high body temperature. For those with malaria, it is not too serious as the diagnoses is simple and treatments not too expensive. Please keep them in your prayers as our funds for medical dried up within a month because of almost every body being sick. Please keep those names in your prayers and all of us. We still do not know what we are to face with those cases now, but our God is too faithful to disappoint.
Even though some were sick, those who were in better health still went on with the banner to make Christ know to many searching souls in our communities as they will still get up early to preach on the back to the Bible program and weekend evangelism in a few locations.
Students continue to grow as they have ample opportunity in the Wotutu pulpit to expose the truth as they read and explain the very words of God as brother Chu Elvis. Even though he was not fully healthy, but as long as souls are in need of the word, it must be preached.
Our children’s class continues to increase. Many thanks to the teachers who do their best to make the class interesting. Children from unbelieving homes love the lesson. Brightland Christian Academy is also a great contributory factor to pull children interests to the church. Some children came today with their parents to worship with us. It is really a string that can pull at the hearts of adults. Keep this work in your prayers. We are very grateful to welcome sister Karen who will come and teach to the preacher’s wives and some other sisters on how to effectively teach children. We pray and we are excited because the children are the church of tomorrow. If we invest in them, then tomorrow we shall have healthy and sound congregations.
God continues to add souls, as our students do some exhortation before taking a soul into the water grave, making sure the commitments are genuine and the person can count the cost of being a Christian.
Brother Colbert in Wotutu has been listening to the program, “Back to the Bible,” daily. He lives above 3000 miles away from our worship hall, but he can get the early morning message. The wife came and took tracts from us and shared it with the husband. The husband told her to start sending their child to our worship. Last month she obeyed and this last week he said, “I have decided to follow Jesus, that is the only way.” The tract, “The Church of Christ: Who are These People,” have helped him and many who also study have a misconception about the church of Christ, so that tract was an eye opener for him and others. They know it is the only body that can save for those who obey the truth need to be part of the body.
As many as have obeyed the gospel, we teach again and give a copy of a complete Bible. That is the greatest gift we can give someone who is just recruited as a soldier of Christ. More Bibles are always needed in our keeping, as many congregations come to get Mission Printing tracts. They are also in need of Bibles for both old members and new converts, if you have means to give us more please don’t hesitate.
Our children in the orphanage played after a busy day in school and other domestic work. They are raised to be hard working, not just to sit and expect food on the tables. These orphans can now wash plates after food. There are always plenty of smiles on their faces. These are children whose futures were without hope, but thanks be to God for the coming of Brightland Christian Orphanage Wotutu. The kids can have 3 square meals, education, medical care, and above all, knowing God through songs, memories verses, Bible stories, and many more. One of our current students, Agia Mendel, goes there every evening and morning to have devotions with them. With tears at times I write this. At times when I see them rushing to greet me first among others as we open the door. There are lots of questions running within me: questions like, “What would have been the fate of these children without this home? What type of Cameroonians will they turn out to be if they don’t die in their tender age? As they grow up this way it is survival of the fittest, What would have been their feelings towards God and humans?” They don’t have any explanations to give why they are orphans, but nature puts them there. Many thanks to all who pray for these children, who think about the work going on here and give their hard end money to make sure things are going well. Thank you.
Keep Brightland Christian Academy in your prayers. This is a tool for better things to happen in the future if we nurture the school. They are preparing for their final exams. Keep them in your prayers.
e shall attend a scholarship lectureship in the month of May in Kumbo.
We are planning for another house to house evangelism campaign in Tiko, as the congregation there is inviting us to help preach and nurture.
Keep our Annual Bible Lectureship in your prayers by this November, graduation, matriculation, and the celebration of our 10th anniversary in Wotutu congregation. If you have an interest to attend, we shall be happy to welcome you as a brother and as guest.
We give the glory and thanks to God for using you to make things possible here. We shall continue to appreciate you, as we don’t have the words to express to you for all the sacrifice and love done for the work here. Share this with others.
Prayer Request
1) Brother Nguty Victor - Minor stroke
2) Brother Oponde Daniel - Gastric pain
3) Brother Njikeng Cyprine - Severe eyes problems
4) Brother Hilary Tangolem - Ribs pain
And many other students having severe malaria.
God bless you.
Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu