Students At SIBS Move Closer To Graduation In Ghana...

As anticipated, [SIBS] began again in January with new batch of students. This new group of students numbered thirteen, comprised ten Ghanaians, and three Liberians. The Ghanaians include a lady and a young man who are both non-members of the church.  

[SIBS] Second Batch Of Students
Interestingly, this group of students come from very responsible backgrounds who insisted to study with our institution. The lady, Maureen, occupies a leadership position among the Women’s wing of a Methodist church here; while James Legend preaches for a charismatic group here. Their situation of course, presents a unique opportunity for their other colleagues to definitely reach out to them with the gospel without any difficulty. We are always praying for them that as their fellow students work on them, and as they receive class instructions, may come to the knowledge of the truth and become obedient to the gospel. We have engaged the services of an English teacher who is teaching the class in the basics of the English language course, to the level where they could have no difficulty with the usage and to assist them in their course work.

This special group of students age from between twenty to sixty-four years old. The teachers speak of their maturity and assiduousness. We are hoping that they stay the course.

The new students have been exposed to the weekly campaign schedule where students are assigned to particular congregations and participate in their weekend programs. This is good exposure, especially to those of them who have hitherto never had the experience.

School Land
The school is yet to obtain a complete clearance document from the Lands Department. This will enable us to proceed with the final installment payments on the property for the final legal documents. Hope we continue to remain in your thoughts and prayers.

February Report

As we previously went around parts of the country contacting brethren privately and trying to advertise our new school, a number of the brethren we came in contact with readily showed keen interest in our program. However, the only hinderance which prevented them from enrolling in our program was that, our school was operating on full time basis. But since they worked at some employment to earn a living, that obviously placed them at a disadvantaged position to enroll. 

Week-End Extension School Starts at [SIBS]
Notwithstanding, discussions continued back and forth and most of them continued to emphasize the view that, if the school could come up with an alternative arrangement, such as a weekend or part-time program, that could offer a great advantage to them. Eventually, following some thoughtful considerations and positive support from our sponsors, we had the weekend classes opened in February, 2016.

Included in our maiden enrollment are students from various backgrounds and professions. This batch includes teachers, technicians, and small scale or beginning entrepreneurs. The majority of the students enrolled are from the southern sector of the country and traveling to school back and forth is not that strenuous. What is rather interesting is most of these have been members of the church for quite a lengthy period of time; it is believed their training at SIBS, hopefully, will provide them with deeper knowledge in the scriptures and skills for greater and effective service to the Lord.

The weekend school runs the same curriculum as the full-time program. Considering the extended class hours involved, duration for the course has been scheduled for four years, each year comprising four quarters. As a means of support and motivation, the school provides regular meals to the students. Upon completion of the course, successful students are awarded a diploma from Bear Valley Bible Institute, just as those in the mainstream full-time program. Most of the brethren are appreciative of the weekend school, and pray it would be sustained.

Praying we continue to be in your thoughts and prayers.

Seth Osae-Larbi
Southern Institute of Biblical Studies [BVBI]

Posted on April 17, 2016 .