Student Outreach Program Begins This Month At ACSOP...

“…the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come,” Luke 10:1 (NASB). As I was studying and meditating on this verse I came to realize that soon after Jesus had trained these men He sends them out to preach the Gospel. This month, about 40 students from ACSOP (28 from first year and 12 from second year) will be involved in an evangelism program in about 16 congregations around the area. This program was started a few years ago by our brother Cy Stafford who is a coordinator of the TZ2000 mission. As we all know Cy is still sick, but the Lord has been so very good to him. Our fasting and praying for him has encouraged his family and many others who love the Lord’s work here in Africa. 

Because of him the faculty of ACSOP have seen a need to continue with this program for our current and new students. This is something he would love to see continue and move in the right direction. In the text above we also learn that our Lord sends His disciples where He Himself was to go. Preachers have been asked to be part of this program. This quarter each student will receive a grade on this outreach program as part of their academic development. We asked the preacher to work hand in hand with our student and they agreed to do so. It is our hope and prayer that this program will bring forth much fruit to the kingdom here in Arusha and beyond.

As I have followed reports from preachers and evangelists of congregations around the area, I found that 28 out of 42 men and women who were converted through this program are still faithful to the Lord. I encourage you to keep praying for the many good things that happen here at ACSOP because the Lord is always good to us. I will always keep you updated of this wonderful program of reaching out to lost souls with our students.

Thank you again for your support and prayers, as we all continue to work for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on March 6, 2016 .