First of all, thank you for your interest and support of the TZ 2000 Mission Work. Without the prayers, financial support, and encouragement from all of you in the U.S., none of the good done here could have been accomplished. Thanks for sharing in the vision of Cy Stafford in teaching Africans to evangelize Africa.
The ACSOP has been a great blessing tool in East Africa. Many men were already taught the word of God here several years ago and they have gone to their areas to preach to their communities and as a result many souls are being brought back to the Lord who created them. Almost every week we receive reports from all over East Africa about the souls who are being saved through their efforts.
Just to mention two of them who were able to communicate to us this week: Elias Kwilaza in Kilima Hewa Mwanza had 2 baptisms this week, and Amri Luberati in Mbagala Dar es Salaam had 4 baptisms just this week. Others are in the field doing the same thing and we are looking forward to hearing from them soon.
As we witness such a great effort in the Lord’s kingdom, the ACSOP recognizes that we are in debt to the Lord for more effort to produce these kind of men in big numbers for more results unto His kingdom. That is why our heart-felt gratitude goes out to you for your loyal support and interest to be a part of this big picture.
In one week, our second quarter for this year is going to begin for both first and second year classes. The first year class will be learning Life of Christ I, taught by Godfrey Mngoma, Writing Skills taught by Losotwa Michael, Introduction to Hermeneutics taught by Bernad Kulanga, New Testament Church taught by Desdery Massawe, and Public Speaking I taught by Bernard Kulanga. At the end of that quarter there will be two short courses: Job / Old Testament 3a taught by Ahimidiwe Kimaro, and Godhead taught by Charles Herberth.
The second year will be learning Greek II taught by Losotwa Michael, Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John taught by Daniel Gaines, Biblical Interpretation 2 (In depth study of Hermeneutics) taught by Adam Evans, Old Testament 4 (Study of the Major Prophets: Isaiah - Daniel) taught by Josephat Massawe, and Public Speaking 2 (Practical Homiletics - Sermon Prep) taught by Godfrey Mngoma. At the end of that quarter there will be two short courses: Christian Ethics, taught by Mason Norman, and the book of Romans taught by Charles Herberth.
On the other hand, as we are being encouraged by the reports about the recovery of our dear brother Cy, let’s keep giving thanks to our loving God and praying for his complete recovery for he still has a long way to go.
Our deepest thanks to you who are loyal to the TZ 2000 mission work and sincerely care about the lost souls in East Africa. Thank you for your love and prayers for the greatest work on earth of sowing the seed of the Kingdom.
Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, TZ