Crops Are Growing And Souls Are Saved Through The ACSOP Program...

We are thrilled this month to show everyone the progress made on the 1,000 layer chicken house. This project is a huge push in the direction of self-sufficiency for the school, and we are thankful for the progress. We were able to pour the foundation this week! 

The corn we planted last month is now growing! 

We have a 1-acre raised bed plot and we were able to get all of it planted with corn before the long rains started. We rejoice to see the result of our labor. Today, we planted beans in these same fields. It was a long day’s work, but we were able to get around four acres planted. 

A huge thank you to Betts Berry and the Walker County Young Farmers. We received 25 drip-irrigation kits from them this month!

This is a huge blessing to the work here. We have been hard at work getting them installed this month. 

This month we have so many reasons to rejoice. We want to share with all of you one of these reasons! One of our close friends in the work here was having a difficult time with his sister-in-law who had come to live with him and his family. The tide quickly turned, and things got worse as the family learned she had been heavily involved in witchcraft. For a few weeks there were many problems because the sister-in-law did not want to stop practicing her involvement with the work of the devil. Justin asked many times if he could go and study with her, but the family wasn’t sure she was in her right mind. After many sleepless nights, the family called Justin and asked him to come over. 

Brother Garry Hill had just arrived from America the night before, so together Justin and Garry went to pray and study with this young girl. When they left, they were sad that despite their efforts she was choosing the devil. When they talked to her, it was clear that she knew her choices and she was rejecting Christ. However, only five days later we received a wonderful call. The young girl had decided that she wanted to turn away from the devil and his hold on her, and turn to the only One who can save our souls. She chose to put on the Lord in baptism and walk in a new life. Please pray for our new sister! 

The ACSOP hosted a great seminar on the second Saturday of this month. Over 160 people came to hear brother Garry Hill speak on how archaeology proves the Bible to be true. It was an amazing seminar that showed the great power of our Lord. The locals had lots of questions in the Q&A session and you could tell they really enjoyed learning about this subject. 

Due to this seminar, we moved our children’s seminar to the third Saturday this month. So, this upcoming Saturday we will travel to Boma Ng’ombe to do the Lord’s work. We ask that you keep this effort in your prayers. We will post a report on the seminar at the end of the month. 

This Sunday was Samantha’s last Sunday with the children at Kisongo. They combined Anna’s women’s class and Samantha’s children’s class and did a joint review session. The children (and adults) were so sad to see her go home. 

Please continue to pray for this work, and for Brother Cy. We rejoice in the good news we received this week. Cy continues to improve and was able to leave the rehab center this week! 

Mungu akubariki!
The Maynard family

Posted on March 20, 2016 .