The Work Is In Great Progress As A 50 Year Celebration Approaches...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope this reports meets you all over there in peace. We are doing better, but just that lots of children in our congregation are sick. That is why I am sending this report late because I am just returning from the hospital to visit with those parents whose children are hospitalized. Keep them in your prayers.

The work is in great progress and we are thankful to God daily for His care and leadership. Students continue to grow and they continue to reach out both in and out of Wotutu weekly.

Keep Cameroon in your prayers as we celebrate our youth day, most at time the Boko Haram will see opportunities like this when many are busy and excited to go to gatherings to do suicide bombings. The youth of Cameroon will celebrate 50 years of our independence. The kids of Brightland will be there as well as the students of BVBIC-Wotutu. In the Bonjongo court area where we belong, our Bible college is the only higher institution. We shall be there as usual with lots of tracts, so that after the match pass our students will be busy sharing the good news to many other young people and government officials. We shall give out hundreds of tracts to the ready educated or educating population. We already have above 5 Christians who live in the Bonjongo area to come down to Wotutu for worship, as the evangelistic efforts are going there by one of our graduates Ngoue.

In Likomba village, we continue with our house to house evangelism, as many are still eager to see the truthfulness of the church of Christ. We preached to them and many are still scared that others not fall victim again from different denominations.

Brother Chu Elvis prefers to stand and share the good news with one lady because she said I want to listen to you but I don’t have a seat. That was an indirect way to send the brother away, but he said I can stand up for hours as long as you give me your ears and open your heart for the good news. She was amazed by the humility of our brother. Today she was in our worship and was also surprised from the start of the worship till the end that there was no period where people were asked to go and pay their tithe. She seems to be doubly interested in the church.

The Likomba Tiko congregation is the newest congregation around us now. It is one week old and the waves about the work are going like wild fire. |We keep sending two students weekly to make sure things are correct from this point.

The young Christians are happy to be part of the family of God. Pa Nange, who was baptized since 1975, considers our efforts as God’s divine plan for him and his house to reconciled back to God. He made sure our students were well fed while there on house to house.

The Teke congregation is also young in age. They are in dire need of a preacher who will lead them aright. Our students do not go there weekly because of the distance and because of many other younger and newly revived congregations. We also watch our means to meet up with all the demands of the congregation. The laborers are few and the means are not there all the time.

Keep brother James in your prayers as he started a new walk with Jesus this week.

Yesterday we had a first of a kind meeting with all our graduates. Many came except for those who were really far from Wotutu and the means were not there for them to make the trip. Also some had serious assignments in their congregations.

It was a time to go back to the drawing board to bring to our conscience the goal of our calling and the intention of the establishment of CBIW now BVBIC-Wotutu. Many expressed the joy of serving the Lord with joy even though with lots of difficulties because of the nature of the church in Cameroon. Many were happy to come back to the educational womb in which they stayed two years and were born as servants of the Lord, slaves of Christ, evangelists, ministers, preachers, or any way you wish to address them.

It was also time to rekindle love, share passion, and visions.

It was also time of asking questions about the work in different locations and how they are doing the work of evangelists by enduring hardships as a true soldiers of Christ.

It was also time to laugh, embrace one another, and it was also time to cry and time to wipe the tears of others.

It was time to sing songs of praise and time to pray. We pray for you as you read this mail because you are a pillar in the work here, and it was also time to pray for betters days as the Lord permits. It is not easy with our brothers in the field. Please, please there were some pertinent issues discussed that could help enhance the work here among the alumni, such as a powered PA system for all their evangelistic efforts as they agreed to meet quarterly in a location to preach and teach. At times this vision is being hindered because of the means to convey the message on open air in a village when people will hear the loud speakers and light shining. It draws the crowd to come and see what is happening, by song, the gospel will be preached. Please, your kindness is needed here.

​The Lebialem mission is coming again on the 2nd of March. Keep these plans in your prayers.

Thank you very much for all that you for the work here. Only God will reward you. Keep praying for us as we pray for you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on February 7, 2016 .