Campaigns In Ghana Face Challenges In Restorations...

November Report
With the New Testament as our guide in missions and church planting, the mission of the apostle Paul in the book of Acts could hardly be overlooked in the church’s mission efforts in the 21st century. Paul’s example of going back over to churches planted to strengthen them provides a model for our mission efforts today.

Follow-Up Campaign - Amanfrom
Considering the great influx of people in this new settlement area, although there is no trace of typical syncretism here, the need to establish the faith of the young church just started here, could not be overlooked. However, Pentecostalism is always flourishing nearly in every corner of this country, and there is great need to guard our faith against it. Therefore, we thought it was necessary to organize a quick follow-up at Amanfrom to strengthen the faith of the young church here. What is more, residents in this community are always ready to receive any new teaching without scrutiny or opposition whatsoever.

[SIBS] students working together in the company of some older preachers around here embarked on a week’s follow-up campaign. We studied the gospel with people from house to house which approach has always proved to be very effective in winning souls for Christ. In this campaign, several people here were reached with the gospel of Christ.  

Hard Restorations
As we went round from house to house, distributing tracts, and conducting personal studies with people, we often came in contact with some members of the church who have moved from the city to relocate here, but are unable to attend church regularly or at all at their former place of worship, oftentimes due to traveling the distance back and forth. It’s unfortunate, attempts to restore some of these lingering brethren back to the church has not been successful. However, we are still persistent, hoping they might respond sometime. What is even encouraging is that students from [SIBS] will continue to work with the young congregation, which has so much vast potential for growth. 

Thanks for your Prayers
Kindly continue to keep us and the work continually in your thoughts and prayers. Please, pray also for our nation and the nations around us concerning the raging upheavals to be brought under control.

December Report
To God be the glory for the great things He has done! Barely two years ago, was the Bear Valley Bible School extension program started here at Dobro, near Accra. Although preparations to begin the school were quite in haste, God has seen us through the maiden two-year program, and for that we are so grateful.

First Batch of Students Pass Out
Although the course started with twelve students, eventually eleven of them were able to stay through the duration. During the two-year period, the students were taken through courses covering the entire Bible, research methodology, and practical ministry among others. Students were introduced to and involved in church planting during campaign weeks, and some of them served in nearby congregations during weekends and on the Lord’s Day. What is also interesting is that about two-thirds of this group have already found congregations to work with in various parts of the country, including the northern region.

Since plans for graduation of this group were still afoot, we decided to see them off in the meantime with a special service for them and their families while we conclude plans for their graduation.

Next Batch – 2016/2017 Group
With a good bit of announcements, we are thankful to have ten students who responded to attend the next class of 2016/2017. Some potential brethren we came across who expressed an interest to enroll could not do so because it is impossible to quit their secular jobs and enroll on a full-time basis.

The next group of students to start classes in January include three Liberian brethren and six nationals. Among the nationals is a 61 year old lady, Mawreen Simpson, a staunch Methodist and retiree from the Civil Service. Mawreen seems to be outstanding not just because of her quest to study, which caused her to join the immediate past group midway into the course, but especially because of her absorbing interest which has compelled her to enroll afresh in the entire two-year program.  

We are still hoping and praying that there would be some additional ones getting enrolled.

We hope we will continue to be in your thoughts and prayers.

Seth Osae-Larbi
Southern Institute of Biblical Studies –[BVBI]

Posted on January 31, 2016 .