Preparing For Another Year, A Year Of Determination In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

It is our joy to say Happy New Year from Cameroon. We do believe you all entered into the new year with joy, by His grace. We are doing fine and God is faithful. He is still very faithful to us here. Our congregation in Wotutu is healthy.

Last year came and went, and we are starting the training of men to preach the saving message from tomorrow till the end of the year, where we will be sending our third batch of students off, the Gamma batch.

As I type this letter all the students who were out for mission work made it safe to Wotutu, looking strong and ready to start the last lapse of their studies in BVBIC-Wotutu.

We thank you for all that you did to make sure things happen in Wotutu, Cameroon the way they happened. We give glory to God for all of that and we pray that you will stand by us in 2016 to do even more for the glory of our God.

Students came back from mission work with great reports of having the highest number of baptisms throughout their first year of stay in Wotutu.

My trip to Nigeria was also great as I had opportunity to visit more than 10 congregations. I was a guest at the Obong Christian youth forum, where the Lord added 31 souls at one time during a morning devotions.

2016 My Year Of Determination: This is the general theme we are going to work with. We pray every member of our congregation to be determine to meet up with our plans and goals.

Our students were in 21 different locations in many villages serving the Lord with joy and serving Christians with smiles. It is always good for us to get pleasant reports from congregations about the growth of our students having the servanthood spirit. Brother Edube baptized a soul in his mission work. Brother Mendel spent time in house to house evangelism.

Many of our congregations still struggle with worship halls. Many find it difficult to motivate their preachers to serve with love, but most preachers serve with tears because they are unable to meet up with the needs of their families from preaching.

House to house evangelism is our mission, reaching out to souls is our sole business at BVBIC-Wotutu.

Doing house to house exposes our students to many kinds of doctrines. They stand firm with the truth as they see many getting lost with their errors. Brother Hilary baptized a soul in Kombene village.

Let me give you a summary of the year 2015
Total number of students - 21
Congregations established - 6 (2 new congregations on this last campaign)
Total restorations - 125
Congregations restored - 4
Number of baptisms - 245 Souls
Campaigns - 6
Lectureships monthly - 12
Seminars - 3
Weekend evangelism / Weekly Tract Distribution - Millions of tracts were distributed from Mission Printing. Most of the converts in Wotutu and that of many other congregations are a result of the distribution of tracts and follow up. Many thanks to all who help us get the tracts through Mission Printing.

The external work resulted in 31 souls in Nigeria from my three-week visit.

God bless you. Thank you for all your help. Your kind heart has made us realize all of this. God alone will bless you. Please, please continue with us as we still have this year to train these men to preach.

Plans for 2016
1) More evangelism to new virgin lands.

2) Recruiting more students for 2017 -2018.

3) Graduation will come up either ending November or early December 2016.

4) We have annual Bible lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon in Wotutu, November ending or early December.

5) We shall celebrate our 10th anniversary. Come join us, as the Wotutu congregation will be 10 years old by this June. We shall join all in the celebration in either November ending or early December. Keep all of these in your prayers and also see how you can make your presence in Wotutu for these events. Please pray and think on how you can support us get it done.

6) The Lebialem mission is coming up again in February. Last year God blessed us to penetrate the heart of the Roman Catholic influence with the truth, and God added 27 souls. We sent students to nurture all this. We are planning another mass evangelism in the area with both current students and ex-students to explore more and sow more seeds. Please pray for us.

Do your best to share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 3, 2016 .