House-to-House And Prison Ministry Is Producing Fruit In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world. We do hope you are doing fine and you are also busy with the work of the Lord in your area. Life continues here in Wotutu, Cameroon without much problem. Many are still sick, but our God is faithful. The rainy season is still on and we are still having rains many days in a week.

Last week went well in BVBIC-Wotutu, as our coordinator, minister David Ballard, finished his short-course on the book of Galatians. It was awesome for our students to benefit from such a sound teacher. He is still here and is healthy. Continue to pray for him.

His class was interactive and interesting, as our students can stand up with boldness to read the word of God aloud.

Brother David Ballard’s wife and brother Steve Marx came to Cameroon safe and sound and they are doing fine. Brother Steve came in to teach a short-course on the “Prison Epistles” while sister Nancy will be teaching the preacher’s wives and other ladies for a one day ladies seminar. Keep them and their works in your prayers.

Quarterly, all graduates of our school of preaching continue with the evangelistic spirit tapped from school. Every quarter they converge on a village and spend 4-5 days doing house-to-house evangelism. This quarter was blessed because the coordinator came and was part of the work. He stood and encouraged the evangelists to continue working for the Lord diligently and grow the church of Christ in Cameroon.

September is always the beginning of the new farming season in Wotutu. It is also the reopening of the new school year. This year we decided to take off a day to pray and fast, to arm ourselves for God’s absolute control over all that His children are doing. These prayers and fasting involved all of our congregation, as children were part of it. It was time to appreciate God, seek God’s face, along with refreshing and uplifting our spirit towards God.

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. Every one that passes through us is contaminated or adopted to our spirit of evangelism. You can see our coordinator not only pointing the way, but he was on the field also  doing house-to-house reaching out to souls.

Sister Nancy was part of the Wotutu sisters class today. She will teach a ladies day and we are expecting more than 100 ladies to be part of her class. Keep the work in your prayers.

The Wotutu congregation tore down walls a few months ago to enlarge the building and to get more people inside the hall in as we worship, but it seems we have not done anything as the growth is filling up and we don’t have space again, which means the option will be tearing down additional walls. God is great and we are thankful to Him for all that He is doing here in our different ministries.

The Wotutu congregation is the seat of BVBIC-Wotutu is a place where love is shown to others and smiles are being provoked in the faces of people, what a family, the church of Christ.

Brother Steve Marx taught a class in Wotutu this morning and had a great lesson in the Buea central prison church of Christ. One of our graduates, who is resident in Wotutu, is doing the prison ministry. His preaching led to the acceptance of 6 souls who were ready to be baptized, but unfortunately water has not been running for the past 4 days, so the pool we use to do baptisms had no water to help these souls start a new life in Christ. There is power to the gospel because you need to be part of this worship. You will reflect on Paul and Silas as they sang with joy forgetting that they were in chains. This is his very first time to come to Africa here in Cameroon.

Brother David baptized sister Florentine in Muyuka, where the alumni were doing house-to-house evangelism. The work ended with 6 precious souls being added to the Lord, which means that if we had water to baptize the 6 souls in Buea prison, this week would have witnessed 12 souls obeying our Lord through His word.

After this short course, our students will travel to 21 villages to work with congregations and also to plant new ones if the Lord wills. Keep praying because your prayers as doing a lot.

Sisters in Cameroon will enjoy a one day of studying, reflecting and fellowship with sister Nancy, we shall share news and pictures about that next week Sunday.

God bless you for your love and kindness to us. If it was not for your good heart we doubt if the growth of this work would have been possible. God bless you and replenish both your physical, spiritual, and financial efforts to make things happen here in BVBIC-Wotutu. Do your best to share this report with others. God bless you and watch over you.

Elangwe and family
​By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on September 6, 2015 .