Souls Added To The Kingdom And Your Prayers Are Needed...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We greet you once again as I prepare to return to Tanzania on Monday. It has been a great couple of months sharing with many the good our Great God is doing In Tanzania. We could not be more joyful for the good done and being done. The next few days and weeks will be packed with much good on many fronts. 

We would like to introduce you to our newest team members. Justin, Anna Maynard and Anna’s sister, Samantha Corners. Justin will be working with the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, including the student body with the farming project. We know how important it is to not only strengthen our students in the Word of God, but also strengthening them in their ability to provide for the physical needs of their families. Anna and Samantha will be working with Jane Massawe and other Christian ladies teaching them to teach ladies and children in God’s Word. 

Welcome Justin, Anna, and Samantha. May your journey be all you have hoped it would be and may our God bless you with much success to His glory and to the saving of countless souls. 

In two weeks we will host our annual Tanzania Leadership Conference. We will be blessed with several speakers from America, one from Malawi, another from Cambodia, and several from East Africa, including many from Tanzania. Strong, spiritual, and courageous leaders are needed in the Lord’s church in East Africa and throughout the world. We are in the process of expanding our leadership training (more to follow). 

Great News: (Yusuph Mdaki) “The work of evangelism continues very well at many congregations in this region. At Kazibiyo 6 souls have obeyed and 4 others have been restored. At Ushirombo, 2 souls have been added to the Kingdom. At Mganza 1 soul has been saved from the power of darkness”. (Godfrey Mngoma) “We thank God that through our visitation program at Arusha, sister Olimpiy has obeyed the gospel.” (Isaac Kasupa) “Two sisters have been restored at Ilkiure this week.” Thanks be to God for these amazing increases! “

Prayer Request: Our good friend, bother and sister in Christ and great supporters of missions, Dupree and Soneia Galloway have a 16 month old grandson by the name of Quin. Quin’s parents are Paul and Tara Merryman. A few days ago they discovered a tumor at the base of Quin’s brain stem. They will operate first thing Monday morning. Please pray for this little one and his family. Please have your congregation offer up prayers for this young boy and his family. Our God is able. We fully trust in the prayers of the righteous and the power of God. 

Two other prayer request; Stephanie had a check up this past week and a spot was seen on her lung. They will follow up this coming week with a CT scan. Also, during my regular annual physical my PSA levels were found to be elevated. An ultrasound was done, showing a nodule on my prostate. I will return from TZ to have a biopsy on the 12th of November. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we move forward. 

We thank you all for all you mean to God’s Kingdom work where you are and throughout the world. We thank you for all you do, making God’s work possible in TZ. We thank our great God for all He has done, is doing, and for what He has yet to do in the saving of the lost of this world. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on September 27, 2015 .