The Power Of God At Work In The Lives Of His Saints In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We are so very grateful for each of you, for your prayers and support of God’s amazing mission efforts in Tanzania and throughout all East Africa. Stephanie and I count it a great blessing to be a part of this team effort and it is our hope and prayer that our God completely wears us out in His service for many years to come, in Tanzania. 

Each week I am faced with the wonderful challenge of choosing what to share with you. The good being done through the church in East Africa is nothing short of amazing. I only wish I were a better writer and communicator, able to “show” you through the printed page, the power of God at work in the lives of His saints in Tanzania. 

One small example can be seen in the life and work of God's two servants, Godfrey and Michael. They are wrapping up almost three weeks of travels throughout Tanzania. They have visited several of our graduates and many of our current students. On there last stop in the village of Katish, they were able to work with a current student who has planted a new congregation. After some time together, preaching and teaching God’s Word, two precious souls put Christ on in baptism. This is what it is all all about. If it is God’s desire that all men (mankind) be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, and it is (John 3:16; 1 Tim. 2:4), then this is simple as good as it gets. 

It is really hard to overstate the good being done through the Andrew Connally School of Preaching and the other 16 Bear Valley extension schools around the world. At the ACSOP alone, 140 men have completed their studies and have gone out planting hundreds of new congregations in five different countries. God has given the increase over the years beyond our wildest imagination. Today throughout East Africa, there are thousands of souls who are heaven bound because you cared enough to pray and support God’s work. Thank you ten million times ten million. 

I want to personally thank you for your prayers. I arrived safely back in the States Tuesday night. I left Thursday morning for Dallas and will hopefully be back in Mississippi late Sunday night. My schedule is getting full for the months of August and September, but, I do have a few openings. If you or your congregation would like to have a report on God’s Tanzania work, please let me know and I will do my level best to make it happen. 

Please pray for our students, they are preparing to return to school over the next couple of weeks. It is a great sacrifice for them and their families, being separated for months at a time. Their dedication is to be commended, bringing great joy and hope to the soul. Pray that God will bless them and their families in a special way that their lives might bring light to their neighbors and salvation to many. 

A very special thank you to everyone who stepped up and made a difference over the last couple of weeks. The building at Karatu has been roofed and will soon have windows and doors. The Babati church now has land and a small place to worship God. Your sacrificial giving is appreciated and, remember, our God sees and knows all. Thank you all so very much. 

Another very special thank you to our precious little ones in the 6th to 8th grade class at the  congregation that meets in Byron, Georgia. They have been giving and giving and giving and are sending enough funds to purchase 150 Ki-Swahili Bibles. Is that not the sweetest thing you have read in a while? 

We thank you and we thank our God for our church family in making all this possible. Until all have heard…

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on August 2, 2015 .