The Backbone Of The Work At ACSOP Honored For Their Efforts...

Proverbs 3:27 says, "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so." With that in mind, some of the men and women who form the local backbone of the work at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching were honored with an appreciation dinner last week. We took them to the Arusha Coffee Lodge for a nice dinner, then we presented them with some small gifts to express our gratitude to them. The work couldn't take place without men and women like this. Their efforts are critical to the present, as well as to the future of the work. Join with me in thanking God for them, and praying that He blesses them. 

The highlight of the evening was a surprise guest appearance by Sean Hochdorf (Sean now works with the mission from the US side, but he lived in Tanzania for several years). Everyone was delighted to see him.

Today, I introduced the Spiritual Disciplines seminar to the Manyire congregation. This was the site of a recent campaign, so it was good to have the chance to check up on them. I took along Ayubu (Job) with me.  Ayubu is the preacher at the Ilkiurei congregation. I'm training him to be able to take this set of lessons to other congregations himself. Next month he should be prepared to start the seminar at Moshi without me. The ladies of the congregation prepared some delicious rice and stew for us after church, capping off a very enjoyable visit.

Josiah Update: After his initial EEG, the neurologist has decided to do a 72-hour EEG and a sedated MRI. These tests are scheduled to begin on August 3. We appreciate your prayers and support. We especially want to thank those of you who have sent additional contributions. We'll keep you informed as information becomes available.


To see Daniel’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on July 5, 2015 .