Adversity Brings Forth Opportunity And Reveals Maturity!

The wisdom that we attain through trials and suffering in our lives is such a wonderful blessing from God (Jas 1:2-3)! As we mature in our walk with God, we learn to see and adjust to adversity for the better. We trust that God is involved and that he is trying to grow us to be mature children of His. Whether it be losing your current job or the government unexpectedly demolishing your property unjustly just to spite you, you learn to take it in stride and look for the positive. Maybe losing our job opens up new opportunities to serve God in a different way. Joseph lost his job as a servant of Potiphar only to be second in command to Pharaoh and ultimately bring the children of Israel to Egypt. 

Do we have the same patience and forbearance as Joseph and trust that God knows what He's doing? When people in authority misuse their power against us unjustly, do we remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:11-12 and of Paul in Romans 13:1-7? How we react to these circumstances demonstrates our maturity as God's children. I am pleased to say that the church in Siem Reap has met such adversity and responded with such maturity. We came together, encouraged one another, and showed our growth as children of God. We realize that sometimes we don’t see eye to eye with each other, but we can always look forward together in Christ. We are so thankful for the local work that's producing mature and capable leaders through the Bible school and orphanage. We are thankful for our brethren overseas who are supporting us both financially and spiritually. Please continue to support and pray for the work of Christ here in Cambodia.

Hout's mother finally putting on Christ in baptism. We are so happy for Hout!

The church in Siem Reap shared its blessings with the villagers in Sambu. Thanks to our brothers and sisters in Bear Valley, we were able to provide some food for over 100 people at a village where two of our future graduates will work at!


To see Phanat’s report with pictures of Hout’s mother being baptized and the food provisions at Sambu, please click here.

Posted on July 5, 2015 .