Rain May Darken The Skies In Cameroon, But The Evangelistic Spirit Shines...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon this rainy day. We do hope you are doing well in all that you do. We praise God we are getting back to normal as concerns our health. Many continue to get sick here because of the weather conditions. For the past two weeks rain has not stopped.

Life in BVBIC-Wotutu is making impacts to those who are connected to that big family. Our students are getting more focused as they see the field ripe and laborers are still few. They have gained consciousness that the prayer of the Lord for the Father to send more laborers and the prayers of many Christians is directly being fulfilled in their lives as they accepted the call to preach. Keep praying for them daily for your prayers are helping in many ways.

“How can they hear without a preacher? This question is a strong drive for us to reach out. After weeks of sickness and bed rest prescribed to me by my lovely wife, who is not a medical doctor, the gospel calling can still get us up from our beds to go. A soul is out there that needs our word for his or her rescue from darkness. I was able to go with Bibles and communion cups to attend a preacher meeting where about 16 congregations benefited from a box of 1000 communion cups. The news of another ocean container of tracts was applauded with great joy and a prayer was offered to our God for blessings upon Mission Printing and all the volunteers. God alone will reward them for their aid to help sink the gospel to the hearts of many here in Wotutu.

We praise God for the arrival of the Bible school van, which is also used in most rainy days to get Christians who live far away from the church hall and in other villages and some disable people to church, like today. If not for this van I doubt how many of such people would have had the means to make it to church. God’s blessings be upon all those who put their efforts together to make this happen. Many thanks STC, we love you all.

The Wotutu congregation was blessed with a new born baby call Makenzi. I named the baby after this child whom we want this African child to grow up like, full with the love of the Lord. Keep sister Rachael’s family in your prayers for them to bring up this child in the love of the Lord and His church.

Our leaders continue to gain grounds. One of the leaders in the Wotutu congregation, brother Chi, offered lunch to our students last Thursday. It was great for our students to also benefit from the love shown to their predecessors in the Bible college.

There is a lot of questioning in Wotutu where the village clock is not working for the past one week. Our early morning program, “Back to the Bible,” was termed by the villagers that the Church of Christ is the Village Clock, but persecution sets in and some denominational leaders are angry that we preach against their practices and they team up to plot against us with the eventual stop of the program. We wrote to some authorities and we are praying and waiting for their reply, but I comforted the entire congregation that when one door closes the Lord is able to open another door. Keep lifting up our desire to use the PA system to drive the word of God to many when their minds are still empty. But we still evangelized through door to door and it is always our pleasure to point the truth to a prospect who will become a suspect and later the gospel will transform the suspect to a convert to the glory of God.

Sister Ikera Rebecca obeyed the gospel. Keep her in your prayers as she is eager to learn more about God. The heavy rain cannot stop us from doing God’s will as the van can take us closer to the river. What a big blessing we have here. Our God is too good to us.

Sister Rebecca Ikera and 2 more souls were added to the Kingdom, as our students spent weekend in 13 locations. The heavy rain can only disturb, but it cannot stop us from going to where the gospel calls. Many congregations continue to enjoy revival from sound, seasoned messages from our students every week. Keep praying for them. We go to rob from the strong man’s house because we know the one what wins souls is wise.

Our west coast of Cameroon new work is coming closer, as this weekend we shall have a mass evangelism in Batoke village that will give us a stepping stone to penetrate the west coast areas.

We are full with joy because of what the Lord is using you to make happen here. If not of you we doubt how this work would have been. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We say thank you for being there for us. Your prayers, thoughts, and financially support are highly appreciated by many here. Do your best to share our news with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on July 19, 2015 .