The Good News Continues To Come Our Way In Arusha...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

What a joy it is to be a part of God’s Kingdom work. We are family and we partner in the greatest cause known to mankind. We take comfort in the fact that our God is able and through your continued prayers and sacrificial giving, souls are being added to the Church day by day. 

This has been a “bitter-sweet” week for me personally. I put my sweet bride on the plane Wednesday night, the “bitter” part of my week. She was able to come and for the better part of June, allowing me to stay longer, one of the “sweet” parts of the week (month). 

The good news continues to come our way:

I met with several of our evangelists this past week to map out the plans for the follow-up work left from the recent campaigns. It is so encouraging to see the zeal, commitment, and love for God’s work in these men. Thank God and thank you for making their ministry possible. 

Field Reports

Michael Losotwa: “I have some good news for you, last Sunday Neema Nicola, Mary (Jeremiah's wife), and Editha Damiano obeyed the gospel. And we (Jeremiah, Michael & Clement) baptized them into Christ for remission of their sins.” 

Godfrey Mngoma Reports: “The Lord has blessed us with three more souls here in Arusha”

Oh, it gets even better…

Today, Daniel and I had the privilege of worshiping at Moshi as they concluded a week long “Tanzania Youth Seminar.” I believe the lessons taught speak highly as to the caliber of the young and their teachers here in Tanzania. For Bible class they heard a reason on the “Triune Nature of God,” and for the worship hour they had a lesson entitled “Ten Lessons I wish I had known when I was a teenager” (from a grandfathers perspective). What a joy it was to worship and fellowship with 140 teens from all over the country of Tanzania and the Kilimanjaro congregation. When services were over, we had the privilege of welcoming and shaking the hands of the 6 new Christians from the youth who put Christ on in baptism this past week. 

And just when you thought it could not get any better….the Arusha congregation will begin their Safari for Souls campaign tomorrow. Yes, our American bothers and sisters have returned to the States. They left much to do, many Bible studies and contacts to follow up with. The good brothers and sisters of Tanzania continue carrying the light of the Gospel to the lost of their nation. 

Over the next three weeks the Andrew Connally School of Preaching staff will be traveling throughout Tanzania and Kenya on a “Good-Will” tour. They will be visiting the home congregations of many of our students and some of our graduates as well. They will share the good God is doing through the school and recruiting future students as well. 

Please pray for all these efforts, that God’s will be done, and that many will come to know Him as their God before it is eternally to late. Until all have heard…

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on June 28, 2015 .