Preparations For Graduation Are Nearly Complete In Tamale, Ghana...

Great is our joy here at Tamale. After two years of academic work, we are thankful to the Almighty God and Father for the life, protection, care, strength, wisdom and all that through His mercies, staff and students have enjoyed.

As we approach Friday, July 3, 2015, preparations toward the Graduation is our main concern and prayer. As mentioned in our previous report, our late sister Avril Keoughan will be honored for her commitment and love for the Lord’s work. The main lecture hall of the Institute is to be named after her.

By this report, we wish to remind all invited guest that we have put everything in place to cordially receive you all. Also all who wish to be part of this very important occasion are assured of the lovely reception and hospitality of Christianity.

The Institute, which is currently on recess, will resume on Monday, June 29, 2015. So far, (12) twelve applicants have been interviewed and given admissions. It is our prayer that more will apply since the Institute still has vacancies.

Some of the activities which are currently going on are painting and decorating of the buildings. 

Baah Joseph Okyere

Posted on June 21, 2015 .